Feb 28, 2005 17:42
okay my birthday is this saturday and i don't want presents but what i really reall really really want is mail because the girl that has the mailbox next to me always has mail and i never do so whenever she's there getting her mail and i open my empty mailbox, she gives me this smug look that says "haha you suck"
but not on my birthday. no. i will be the smug look giver for a change.
so what i'm asking is that for my bday you guys send me mail. it can be anything...bday cards...used christmas cards...newspaper you found on the floor. i don't care just as long as you stick a stamp and my address on it. (although more personal mail will be appreciated)
so my address is...
lauren nielson
pmb H309
commons lobby
college station, tx 77840
i'm really looking forward to this :)