Attack of the Killer White House Sludge

Jul 31, 2009 14:01

   Speaking of the White House, apparently their organic garden dreams are being mired by toxic sludge left over from the Clinton Administration. Gross. (Apparently the "Sludge Lobby" may have been responsible for putting it there!)
   No word on this sludge is affecting their bees. Speaking of their bees I think I read somewhere that the breed of bees they have there specifically is from Eastern Russia or something. Sounds suspiciously communist to me. ;D

And while I'm making a post, today I had some time to kill before Chipotle opened at 11 so I wandered around the nearby Bevmo ... which of course resulted in me buying things. I'm very pleased with my purchases though, I bought:

Curieux - an ale aged in bourbon barrels by the Allagash brewery; and
Andygator Dopplebock - a dopplebock by the Abita brewery in Louisiana

And speaking of Abita I grabbed a rootbeer by them while I was at it and it was pretty decent.

*** Edit: Beluga saves drowning diver's life!


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