The Beer Summit

Jul 30, 2009 22:20

   So the so-called "White House Beer Summit" occurred today. As a beer commentator I would of course be remiss not to offer some analysis on this.

However, it appears a number of different political commentary blogs have already thoroughly analyzed it, so instead I'll just point you to the best of those that I have found   The basic breakdown ( Read more... )


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miintikwa July 31 2009, 12:23:25 UTC
Bud Light?

Also, Prof. Gates supposedly actually drank Sam Adams.

Eeew to all of the above.


Sam Adams at the Beer Summit? emo_snal July 31 2009, 13:17:53 UTC
Also, Prof. Gates supposedly actually drank Sam Adams.

O RLY? Scandalous! Do you know specifically which Sam Adams offering?


Re: Sam Adams at the Beer Summit? miintikwa July 31 2009, 13:19:17 UTC
I don't, sadly. I'd feel better about him if it was the Summer Ale, which I find more tolerable than the regular.

Sam Adams in general is better than Bud or Coors-- but neither of them hold a candle to Killians.


Re: Sam Adams at the Beer Summit? nightspore July 31 2009, 14:32:39 UTC
But Sam Adams was a brewer and a patriot. And from Boston. I think Obama should have had the Sam Adams. If Hillary had joined them she could have had a Tsing-Tao: suck up to the Chinese. This post was great.


Re: Sam Adams at the Beer Summit? miintikwa July 31 2009, 14:41:08 UTC
LOL! Good point!


Re: Sam Adams at the Beer Summit? emo_snal July 31 2009, 15:45:04 UTC
I agree, Sam Adams would have been a very excellent choice. Their beer really ain't that bad either. They're a large scale producer that still has some craft cred because they make a lot of experimental brews.

And lolz at the Tsing-Tao. ;D

Oh also Biden showed up and had some non-alcohol beer (is he a recovering alcoholic? a teetotaler?)


Re: Sam Adams at the Beer Summit? heethen_crone August 1 2009, 00:35:32 UTC
Killians is brewed by Coors. given that, it's not bad.


Re: Sam Adams at the Beer Summit? miintikwa August 1 2009, 00:41:15 UTC


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