
Jul 30, 2009 07:05

   These are my official submissions for the first prompt of ljshootout - Endeavour.

As you may recall I mentioned during idol, I simply cannot resist getting a prompt and turning it completely on its head. Therefore, I present you ... the reverse endeavour!


"Congress Created Dustbowl"
July 24, 2009

I could have done a photoessay of the recession just driving through the Central Valley. Not only were these signs bringing attention to every abandoned field, but half the highway rest-stops seemed to be closed as well.

I suspect the "congress created dustbowls" are more specifically the result of the water shortage though. Rationing water out in California between the cities and the agriculture has always been an epic endeavour.


"Go Ahead, TRY"
June 7, 2009
(Alcatraz Island)

And to answer the two questions: (a) I'm an avid amateur photographer, (b) These days I'm running around with my Canon Powershot 720IS (digital point and shoot).

lj shootout

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