
Jun 13, 2009 13:23

(1:08:29 PM) snail of DEATH: So. On facebook you can now have a username. It obv should be simple so you can tell people "go find X" to find you. So my name is out because I'd have to explain how to spell it. So I need like. One word, or something otherwise memorable, that is not already taken
(1:08:47 PM) calinocoto: why not just emosnail?
(1:09:13 PM) snail of DEATH: ugh no I'd change that too if emosnail wasn't already so well known

(1:02:44 PM) snail of DEATH: I want to go for like a random word like
(1:02:46 PM) snail of DEATH: Possums
(1:02:48 PM) snail of DEATH: or Devious
(1:02:52 PM) snail of DEATH: so I can just be like
(1:02:55 PM) snail of DEATH: look up possums
(1:03:05 PM) Papa Smurf: heh
(1:03:11 PM) snail of DEATH: but not possums because I don't want to be known as possums for the rest of my life
(1:03:12 PM) snail of DEATH: hahahah
(1:03:22 PM) Papa Smurf: i should start calling you that
(1:03:24 PM) Papa Smurf: possums!
(1:03:50 PM) snail of DEATH: ahahaha
(1:13:33 PM) Papa Smurf: possums

(1:14:34 PM) snail of DEATH: heh I should be gargamel
(1:14:39 PM) Papa Smurf: hahah
(1:14:45 PM) snail of DEATH: daaamn not available
(1:14:47 PM) snail of DEATH: EVERYTHING is taken
(1:14:56 PM) Papa Smurf: yeah, it's been 15 hrs or something
(1:15:00 PM) snail of DEATH: I should have jumped on that thing the moment the option became available
(1:15:09 PM) Papa Smurf: you should have, now you are a failure, possum
(1:15:16 PM) snail of DEATH: hmmm any other famous villians that aren't too nerdy a ref?
(1:15:28 PM) Papa Smurf: possums
(1:15:34 PM) snail of DEATH: hahaha
(1:15:48 PM) snail of DEATH: possums IS available
(1:15:59 PM) Papa Smurf: do it
(1:16:08 PM) Papa Smurf: you know you want to
(1:16:31 PM) snail of DEATH: possum of DOOM
(1:16:40 PM) snail of DEATH: werepossum

(1:17:00 PM) snail of DEATH: Werepossum
(1:17:02 PM) snail of DEATH: too ridic?
(1:17:11 PM) calinocoto: yes
(1:17:16 PM) calinocoto: and no one will know how to spell it
(1:19:04 PM) snail of DEATH: well what's another line I can go down in thesaurus to find something apt? I looked up all the entries under deviousness and all the entries under shenanigans so far
(1:19:52 PM) calinocoto: why not just shenanigans?
(1:21:10 PM) snail of DEATH: shenanigans I would have been all about, but its def taken
(1:21:24 PM) calinocoto: poop
(1:21:37 PM) snail of DEATH: hmm I could do sometihng like 321shenanigans
(1:21:40 PM) snail of DEATH: lets see if its taken
(1:22:01 PM) calinocoto: oh no, numbers are stupid
(1:22:06 PM) calinocoto: i dont' like numbers in a url
(1:22:38 PM) snail of DEATH: yeah I think it's dumb if you have to stick like 1 on the end or esp if you put a totally random number at the end
(1:22:45 PM) snail of DEATH: but 321shenanigans is like, a countdown
(1:23:02 PM) calinocoto: oh, that's true

(1:54:07 PM) calinocoto: i was thinking of just putting mine puppy
(1:54:12 PM) calinocoto: the problem is that i like kittens, too
(1:54:16 PM) snail of DEATH: hahahaha
(1:54:25 PM) calinocoto: it's a real dilemma!
(1:54:27 PM) snail of DEATH: I'm gonna have to edit to add that to my entry
(1:54:28 PM) snail of DEATH: :D
(1:54:31 PM) calinocoto: lol
(1:54:35 PM) calinocoto: my crises on display for the world

And so, before I commit to an apparently unchangeable username, anyone have any ideas??? (am currently leaning towards 321shenanigans, but figure I'll give it an hour or two to see if I can come up with something better -- if you steal it in the mean time I will killorize you!)

gabi utreras, papa smurf, chatlogs, facebook

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