Weekly Vote & Drama-que!

Mar 05, 2009 09:36

   It's that time of the week! LJ Idol polls are up, and that means its also time for my weekly drama-que (polls will be closed already by our usual time of Sat morning). So throw some OMG-weiners and WTF-burgers on the grill, crack open a nice cold can of STFU and pull up a chair!

First, the Poll Itself )

lj idol meta, lj idol, drama

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tsarina March 5 2009, 18:54:24 UTC
I really, really think that your line "Apparently [info]rm managed to make herself disliked by a large portion of the blogosphere by her past actions."> doesn't come close to the entire story. If we are going to hew to the mantra of there being two sides to every story, then I feel compelled to point out that the particular section of the blogosphere complaining about getting banned from her journal and freezing comment threads were banned and frozen because of the incredible slurs and personal attacks they were throwing around in her journal as well as harassing other people commenting in her journal.


Other Side emo_snal March 5 2009, 18:58:39 UTC
Duly noted. I don't actual know anything about that except what I'm gathering now. I will say, however, that it still fits under the category of "past actions" because one way or another those people came to dislike her (possibly before she had to ban/delete/freeze them then). Thanks for the heads up on that though.


Re: Other Side tsarina March 5 2009, 19:07:51 UTC
So it's okay for these folks to hate her and try to get her voted out of something that doesn't have anything to do with them because she banned them due to the fact they were calling her names like tranny faggot because of her user icon? Are you serious?


Re: Other Side emo_snal March 5 2009, 19:11:30 UTC
If its true its entirely because of her icon well then thats deplorable. I have more faith in people than that, however, and I know from personal experience she can come off as self-righteous and condescending. And yes, if people in LJ dislike her and don't want her to be LJ Idol for reasons other than official entries to LJ Idol, I think its legitimate. If people want to call it Gary's Writing Contest Idol then maybe the situation would be different.


Re: Other Side tsarina March 5 2009, 19:20:41 UTC
I witnessed that entire LJ Advisory board race up close and personal, and I can say there was an extreme amount of "deplorable" behavior happening then. The people who were banned weren't the ones trying to have discussion or banned because they had a different viewpoint or didn't like her tone. She bent over backwards trying to walk a line that allowed people who disagreed their voice in her journal. I think it is wrong to characterize it as a "reign of banning/deletion/freezing-of-comments terror." Banning people and freezing threads was an absolute last resort.


Re: Other Side emo_snal March 5 2009, 19:33:05 UTC

Additionally it should be noted that my "reign of banning/deletion/freezing-of-comments terror" is in a paragraph that doesn't mention RM. I'm about to leave my house but I'll contemplate ways to further disconnect that comment from seeming to directly refer to her. Thanks for your feedback.


Re: Other Side supremegoddess1 March 5 2009, 23:06:40 UTC
She had the *audacity* to run for the position of LJ user rep against a known troll. The troll's supporters that came into her personal journal and were immensely derogatory towards her and her supporters are the ones that got banned.


Re: Other Side hardvice March 6 2009, 01:10:00 UTC
...except that it began with her deleting legitimate questions in the election community.

She always glosses over that part.


Re: Other Side theafaye March 6 2009, 02:47:15 UTC
And *this* is why it's pointless trying to 'win' on the internet. There are always two sides and anyone who wasn't there right from the start can't really take a fair stance because it's all he said/she said. And even if everything's still available to read, that assumes that people not directly involved care enough to go and do the research ( ... )


Re: Other Side hardvice March 6 2009, 10:56:16 UTC
Well, yeah, that, and I mean ... it's just common sense that people get to vote for or against whoever they like or dislike.

That's the nature of democracy. It's not really a fair and free vote if you tell people how they have to think or act, or what criteria they have to use, and it's really anti-democratic to suggest that someone's vote doesn't or shouldn't count because you don't like how they decided to cast it.

Yes, it's a writing competition. Yes, in an ideal world, everyone would read each and every entry and vote for the ones they found the most interesting, instead of voting for or against specific people.

That world does not exist. The best we can do with the one we have is try to ensure that each vote is free and unobstructed.


Re: Other Side elionwyr March 5 2009, 19:52:49 UTC
A great deal of the drama-poop storm has to do with people having little understanding of past events. Most people who have a negative opinion or who criticize rm for banning people were neither involved nor present way back when to know the whens and why of the whole story.

Myself included.

It is extremely frustrating to see people jump on the hate wagon when, really, they have no blessed idea what the heck is going on.

That is, IMO, the foundation of the LJ Idol drama over the past week or so. People love drama, they jump on the bandwagon, and poof! You have a poop storm based on very little other than, "Waaah, I don't like so-and-so, you shouldn't either." Which is pretty much what I saw happening during the LJ Advisory drama - and is something said dramamongers bragged about, as in 'it's all about the LULZ,' which was bandied about quite a bit last year. And that brand of poop is something I personally have neither time nor patience for.


Re: Other Side hardvice March 6 2009, 11:01:35 UTC
I for one was both involved and present. I asked her a question in the election community--not her journal--about what she planned to recommend with regards to the abuse team. This was before the trolls invaded her journal. My default icon at the time was endorsing her opponent, and my question was deleted almost immediately.

I shrugged it off at the time, though, because it was clear pretty quickly that she was irrelevant in the election.


Re: Other Side elionwyr March 6 2009, 14:19:10 UTC
The 'whole story' I refer to dates pre-LJ Advisory Council and the initial reason for banning people. When the LJ Advisory election arose, there was a lot of misunderstanding about why some folks had been banned.


Re: Other Side hardvice March 6 2009, 15:21:50 UTC
Oh, I see. So she deleted my honest question because of some drama that happened long before I asked it and to which I wasn't a party.

Yeah, that's much better.


Re: Other Side elionwyr March 6 2009, 15:24:36 UTC
I don't know why she deleted your post. My point is that there's a hella lot of history and I include myself in the number of people that don't really know the whole story. It simply aggravates me that there are folk out there who will and do jump on the hate bandwagon without personal reason or understanding.

I grok that you have a personal gripe.


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