Chief of Dreams

Jun 08, 2023 22:10

Thursday, July 8th, Day 35 - Today we just wrapped up this training session, including maybe an hour of discussing yesterday's field visit and answering any other questions.

Then we went to lunch, and I wish I had looked at the time when we got there but I didn't, but it was more than an hour before our food came out, by which point both Williams and I had fallen asleep at the table.

Speaking of falling asleep, because it is often very warm people do occasionally nod off during training. The amusing countermeasures undertaken for this are (1) Williams who often is going around taking pictures anyway, jokingly threatens every group that he'll take photos of them sleeping and we'll put them in a slide show the last day; (2) If it happens while Courage is talking he likes to go address the formerly-sleeping person directly, in a jovial manner inquiring if they got enough sleep the night before and incorporating their answers into ongoing running jokes; (3) if my translators notice someone sleeping they like to ask everyone to applaud until the sleepers wake up, this is amusingly indirect, the people don't direct the applause at the sleepers, so they may or may not realize they are the cause; and (4) a more recent joke was that at the end we'll vote from among those who had fallen asleep during session to elect one as the Chief of Dreams.

Dr Courage indeed came back last night. Today I learned from him that we're going tomorrow to a distant community some of the trainees came from to see a potential pilot apiary site (I suspected there was a reason we'd cleared the Friday schedule!) and then tomorrow (Saturday) we'll all go to Mole National Park

I didn't have much occasion to take any pictures today other than the usual end-of-session photos with participants. Again I will exclaim about how I can't believe people are so bad at keeping a phone even a semblance of straight. Sometimes it's fixable:

And sometimes it's not:

Maybe I should get one of those AI photo programs though, as I'd imagine AI could easily replicate the brick patterns in the lower corners and fill in clouds in the upper corners to fix a picture like this.

field reports, ghana

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