Into the Fray

Mar 19, 2020 21:16

March 19th - As of this morning there were 565 cases if coronavirus in Australia, and 111 new cases in the previous 24 hours.

It is presently 5:51am in Venezuela and Cristina is on her way to the hospital for work. Since they'd reduced to skeleton shifts she's been off a few days, this is her first shift since they've gotten coronavirus patients. The hospital doesn't have disenfectant, gloves, masks or running water. It feels like she's going off to the front lines in a war ):

In related news, in Italy (where they have first world protective gear in the hospitals) there has reportedly been an "'enormous' level of contagion among the country's medical personnel. At least 2,629 health workers have been infected by coronavirus since the onset of the outbreak in February, representing 8.3 percent of total cases."

There is now definitely a flight ban in Australia for any travel other than returning Australians. Cristina's flight to Colombia has been cancelled so we're definitely going to cancel the other two legs. Both the Panamanian airline and United have announced we can cancel or change our flights, though it might just be credit with the airline rather than money back. We'll see. I'll be a bit grumpy with them if it's just credit, watch then to recreate the trip it will cost significantly more and we'll be locked in with them ):

I have a friend in Costa Rica, a college frind who recently went there because her income all came from online stuff so it didn't matter where she was so might as well be a tropical paradise. There's apparently no shortages there, apparently because the economy is accustomed to supplying hordes of tourists who aren't present. She showed pictures of shelves full of toilet paper! Apparently Costa Rica has imposed alcohol prohibition to discourage people from having tooooo much fun during quarantine.

I was surprised to see a fair number of people at the town pub when I drove past however. I haven't been able to find hand sanitizer but I've taken to taking a bar of soap with me in the car and just grasping it in my hand as I drive, switching hands every now and then. Should keep my hands (and steering wheel?) good and sterile yeah?

My printer is refusing to work again. I swear it gives me the biggest headache of all work related things. I need to print labels!! Today was a really nice day, possibly the third day this year that actually felt like a nice summer day. Though the bees I was inspecting today made it clear they thought summer was over -- they had already kicked the drones out. Most of my hives are nearer Birregurra town and doing booming business, but these ones by the workshop aren't putting honey on. I'd move them to where the honey is coming in but with my luck the flow would cut out as soon as I got them there. :-/

Someone from the local newsletter asked if I wanted to have a continuing column of my travel stories. I feel a bit self conscious that everything else in the newsletter is directly of general interest to the community but if the editors think it would be good then I suppose it could be fun.

Presently it's just after 9pm here, rain is pounding on my house's tin roof, and there's a pretty frequent flashing of lightning and rumble of thunder. 9pm here, 6am in Venezueala. Cristina is headed to the front lines right now, and I feel very anxious about it.

australia, victoria, coronavirus, birregurra, cristina

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