
Feb 21, 2020 01:44

Tuesday, May 16th, 1214 BC - Jason woke with a headache from all the wine the night before. It took him a moment to remember where exactly he was, what ceiling exactly this was spinning above him and why was he here. He groaned a bit remembering. He had sworn in front of everyone yesterday that he would retrieve the golden fleece from far ( Read more... )

historical fiction, argonautica, lj idol entry, fiction

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emo_snal February 21 2020, 10:18:31 UTC
I really want to rewrite the argonautica as an actual prose story that's readable. The original is seriously harder to read than legalese. I listened to it as an audiobook and honestly I could barely tell you what was going on most of the time. Even reading the actual text I sometimes have to seriously scrutinize a paragraph to sort it out. Anyway in the original in a paragraph or two they set up Jason coming to this festival and ending up vowing to get the fleece, and then there follows three pages of introductions of people supposed to be on the journey with him, and then tehy start with the journey. It doesn't at all say how he got everyone together or got the boat. The hardest part of this entry was sorting through all the characters introduced in that section to find the few I wanted to focus on. Many never appear again in the text at all so I think they're a relative waste of space (and scholars note they are probably only there because their descendants added them so they'd have an ancestor among the argonauts), and I wanted to only introduce characters that would show up again and be worth getting to know. (:


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