08 of 30 - Conventional Arguments

Jun 11, 2016 11:56

   So convention was fun, informative, and surprisingly dramatic -- it ended in an overtime secret ballot! But unfortunately it looks like I'm now a bit behind on my entries ( Read more... )

conventions, conferences, beekeeping, parli pro

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Comments 4

pundigrion June 14 2016, 13:11:02 UTC
Our gem and mineral society has a simmering tension right now between the Serious Rockhounds and the New Agers.


emo_snal June 16 2016, 14:33:43 UTC
Ah I could see that being a serious rift!!


pundigrion June 16 2016, 15:34:01 UTC
Yeah, we had a vote one meeting to see if people wanted a "healing properties of stones talk". Bunch of hands went up. Then the next question was if anyone would specifically *not* come for such a talk and a lot more hands went up. Admittedly, there would need to be a super awesome minitalk or raffle that meeting for me to be interested.

I am willing to buy rocks from the hippie shops though, sometimes they have some nice stuff!


eyesonstars June 18 2016, 18:57:03 UTC
I've heard that there were more beekeepers nowadays so maybe there would be more than the three hobbyists interested in the conventions now than years ago cited by that organizer?
Maybe do a poll/survey to see when and what type conventions would draw both types in?

The thing about weekenders is that they tend to let loose and be more casual--even the more serious workers. They drink more and later, too.


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