30 in 30 VIII!

Jun 01, 2016 20:18

   In ancient times, bygone days of yore in fact, I used to do this thing called " 30 in 30" wherein a group of us would try to write an entry every day for the 30 days of June. Not just a bland "this is an entry" entry, but something worth reading. Something that would be of interest even to people who didn't care one iota about you as a person. It looks like the last time I participated in this was 2010.

Well, the bar was set really high back in those heady days of the original 30 in 30 champions, which, I'd love to regale you with tales of their triumphant acts but I'm on a deadline here. In fact I'm in the very midst of moving this evening. The bar will be much much much lower, but in light of my updates having rather lagged in the last few months, and recalling how 30 in 30 really jump starts one's blogging habit, I'm going to try to get SOMETHING posted every day!

If anyone else wants to particupate I welcome you! As to the rest of you, "those about to blog salute you!"

And now I need to move to a little cottage in the country in the southernmost part of Australia. Cheerio!

30 in 30

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