So the latest topic I have for LJ Idol is "Open Topic." And I think I'm going to use this idea I've had for awhile. But I could use ideas to flesh it out, because, among other things, I've never actually played Dungeons and Dragons ;)
The Idea is Thus: Setting: Sometime in the relatively distant future in the basement of a space station (yes
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Monsters-wise, I'd say robots (hit hard, can't be affected by charm spells, but are vulnerable to technology attacks such as computer viruses), identity thieves (if they hit you with an attack, they steal your life over two-three rounds; priority is either killing them before that happens or detaching them from whoever they hit so as to stop the life-drain), glass ceilings (despite the name, nearly impervious to physical damage, but can be overcome by a "change minds" or "passage of time" spell), pollution (drippy monster that does poison damage when struck; there's a chance anyone it bites will mutate within the next twenty-four hours if the medic doesn't use a "decontaminate" spell on its victims), NPC politicians (attacks with a "charm" spell that can make PCs follow its orders), etc, etc. Maybe for the mall, the doors could be a trap -- they're affected by a computer virus, so they trap people between the inner and outer doors, which gives an opportunity for a computer programmer to remove the virus or a mechanic to disarm the mechanism that allows the doors to open and close on their own.
Artifacts are typically very useful but occasionally a little silly; it really depends on the GM. Perhaps there's a working ATM in the mall, and all the ATMs elsewhere have mostly been destroyed? Weight may be a problem -- I've been in plenty of parties where, "How do we carry this?" is a concern. (I'd suggest a "Mom's Bottomless Purse" instead of a "Bag of Holding", but you might think of something better?) Or perhaps an alien has hired them to go and buy a product for its spaceship?
ETA: This is from D&D 3.5, if you want to look at some of the monsters 3.5 had: The bit that says "reading the entries" explains what the stat blocks mean, but you'll probably find the descriptive text more useful, since it'll give a better idea of the flavor.
ETA2: Dragons are a nice cliche. There's one in almost every game.
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