30 in 30!!

May 22, 2008 21:43

As I had mentioned before, I am going to endeavor to write 30 entries in the 30 days of June .. and you should too! Provisionally, we have memeworrywort, kilkenny, meowmeowpants, michaelpop, hereticxxii, tonytornado2003, jnel, anyamartinez and androidjoe on board. Clearly this is enough people to make you feel like this is the IN thing to do.

So who else wants to rise to the challenge, join the revolution, and bring glory upon themselves and their descendents for generations to come?

Also if you're interested, if you could spread the word by posting about it in your own journal to spread the word, that would be excellent. (=

30 in 30, 30 in 30 publicity

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