Riot Gear vs Tactical Gear

Dec 27, 2009 13:40

Meanwhile back in Davis...

(2:14:41 PM) snail of DEATH: why were students occupying the building again?

(2:14:48 PM) kg6ymg: Student fee protest.
(2:14:56 PM) kg6ymg: Admin was able to shift the focus, though.
(2:15:02 PM) kg6ymg: To petty bullshit they could deal with.

(2:15:04 PM) snail of DEATH: oh? to what?

(2:15:25 PM) kg6ymg: A tri-coop being closed so student housing can build more offices.
(2:15:52 PM) kg6ymg: Police brutality from the last protest.
(2:15:58 PM) kg6ymg: And amnesty for protestors.

(2:16:45 PM) snail of DEATH: haha so they basically said we're sorry for beating you up last time and if you leave right now we won't do it again?

(2:16:59 PM) kg6ymg: No.
(2:17:04 PM) kg6ymg: They said they would do a full investigation.

(2:17:15 PM) kg6ymg: And they would look at video.
(2:17:18 PM) kg6ymg: Truth be told though...
(2:17:21 PM) kg6ymg: Video is damning (For the student. One student.)
(2:17:25 PM) kg6ymg: She got violent.
(2:17:27 PM) kg6ymg: They cuffed her.

(2:18:16 PM) kg6ymg: I cussed out the police chief.
(2:18:21 PM) kg6ymg: She was spewing bullshit.
(2:18:34 PM) kg6ymg: We were upset that they had called in mutual aid wearing riot gear.
(2:18:39 PM) kg6ymg: We proved we were peaceful last time.

(2:18:49 PM) kg6ymg: She said it wasn't riot gear, it was tactical equipment.
(2:18:57 PM) kg6ymg: And I told her that's worse.

(2:19:11 PM) snail of DEATH: ahahaha not riot gear, tactical equipment.. isn't it the same thing
(2:19:17 PM) snail of DEATH: and what's to be offended about about that?

(2:19:40 PM) kg6ymg: Tactical gear? Are you the goddamned army? This is not a battle, you are not a commander, and we are not belligerants. You have bought into the bullshit militarization of police movement that killed just policing in this ocuntry.
(2:20:01 PM) kg6ymg: They're here to protect and serve, not kill the enemy.
(2:20:06 PM) kg6ymg: Wrong mindset, asswipes.

(2:20:23 PM) snail of DEATH: ::rolls eyes:: whatever, if they want to get all suited up its not actually oppressing you

(2:20:44 PM) kg6ymg: It's a dangerous mindset.
(2:20:52 PM) kg6ymg: The police are not military and they need to stop acting like it.

(2:21:06 PM) snail of DEATH: the students may have been peaceful last time but many student protests do involve people throwing things at police officers and such
(2:21:17 PM) snail of DEATH: they'd be idiots if they were going to go in unprepared for that
(2:21:36 PM) snail of DEATH: maybe students who were not present at the previous peaceful one are present at this one
(2:21:44 PM) snail of DEATH: you never know what you're going to get with a bunch of students

(2:21:55 PM) kg6ymg: Anyway, we lost.

(2:22:15 PM) snail of DEATH: and them wanting to protect themselves in no way oppresses students, in fact I'd say what they wear and don't wear is something THEY have a right to
(2:22:48 PM) kg6ymg: They didn't break out the riot gear last time.
(2:23:16 PM) snail of DEATH: well they were unprepared. that doesn't waive their right to think after "hey we really should have done this" and do it in the future

(2:24:40 PM) kg6ymg: Anyway...
(2:24:46 PM) kg6ymg: Call it riot gear.
(2:24:50 PM) kg6ymg: Not tactical gear.

Totally Unrelated Picture of the Day

Tiller, the ship's dog, helps with lines on the Lady Washington


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