I dont think that was the most intelligent thing to say... "fuck all you girls and your stupid boyfriends". How about let everyone just be happy, and stop whining about people that havent done anything to you. And that offends me becuase I in fact have a girlfriend. So thank you for telling me and my girlfriend to fuck off.
i told you to fuck off a long time ago, why don't you go do something for yourself instead of following all those lame ass trends. Your girlfriend is ugly by the way.
ive been nice to you for the longest time henry, ive put up with all the shit that you have given me since 9th grade, everyone fucking hates you, and i really dont think that you have the right to call my girlfriend ugly (even though you make up that shit to make me angry)because the girls that you gone down on are the most hideous people on earth, fuck you henry, your an ignorant self centered bitch and you def arent making any friends adn i dont think you ever will this way. o and by the way if you want to talk about ugly we can start when you went down on stephanie keller haha fuck you and if fucking say taht again il beat the shit out of you
yes you did, your a dirty little spic arent you?? and by the way my gf is the most beautiful girl and you cant even get half what i can get, so really... your ugly your a dirty, ugly, ignorant, stupid ass SPIC.
haha i can trace my lineage back 5 generations at the most to pure european spanish descendants. I'm not a spic, haha, i'm not latin. And aren't you a mix of arab and puerto rican, you don't have much room to talk, why don't you sail a dingy full of bombs(and 20 family members) out of your shit island and blow yourself up against some building in miami.
wow that proves your intelligence by far to shit.. cuz iranians never did that and while the persian empire conquered most of the middle east and created the first of road systems for the world and many other things for technology you guys were busy giving diseases to indians haha and your family traces back to plumbing and actually you are latin, your family is from niguragua and costa rica.. that is latin, i think a 2nd grader can figure that out. And Iran is not an island you dumb fuck... jesus christ you are so ignorant. You are seroiusly DONE... you have no points whatsoever that can prove me wrong.. your a dumb ass spic who has no friends and should fucking leave. I tried being nice to you since 9th grade or tollerating your shit but im not anymore becuase you are just an ignorant, naive bitch who makes up a bunch of shit that makes no sense at all.
my heritage isn't latin. the babylonian empire and all of those were in like 700bc, the spanish conquistadors were like in 1500's, they were not happening at the same time. and puerto rico is an island dumbshit, i was mixing the two biggest stereotypes of both your shitty little cultures, you wetback terrorist.
done my ass, go home and cry and right some stupid hardcore breakdown.
Henry can you be anymore ignorant? honestly? you are so fucking STUPID... First of all puerto rico was founded from the Spanish... we are as close as the spanish culture than your little mexican taco making can be. And Iran supplies the 10% of the worlds oil you dumb shit, we are richer than your poor little NIggeragua and costa rica. And if you know anything about politics IRan is not a terrorist country, although you might think so becuase of your ignorance you are brainwashed into this country's B.S that they are, even though they havent done any terrorist acts against the US. Except for 1970 the embassy hostage situation that PResident Carter Funded Ayatollah Komeni to overthrow the sha, and guess what? He took over the US embassy? Our country is the stupidest country in the world that funds terrorists!! and afgahnistan!! in the 1970's and Iraq in the 1980 war with IRan !!! ... you are soo fucking stuipd to believe they are a terrorists. I mean the terrorists that crashed into the 2 towers were SAUDI ARABIAN.. is that IRANIAN?
( ... )
wow i'm totally owned just because you say so, that's exactly how it works.
you think all this shit i'm saying is serious, no it's not, i'm just seeing how much of an idiot you are and how much you'd actually respond with. I know iranians aren't terrorists, and i already know our own country funds terrorism, we are oil dependant, any means to get it the government uses. I'm more politically consiousce (sp) than you, either way, you obviously have too much time on your hands i'm gonna leave you alone now.
your girlfriend is ugly.
done my ass, go home and cry and right some stupid hardcore breakdown.
you think all this shit i'm saying is serious, no it's not, i'm just seeing how much of an idiot you are and how much you'd actually respond with. I know iranians aren't terrorists, and i already know our own country funds terrorism, we are oil dependant, any means to get it the government uses. I'm more politically consiousce (sp) than you, either way, you obviously have too much time on your hands i'm gonna leave you alone now.
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