I realize i tend to be long winded.

Jun 30, 2008 23:29

Just a quick summary of my weekend adventures (if you can call them that).

Sat around my office reading Here There Be Dragons (James A. Owen, amazing book by the way, totally worth a quick read) till around noon. Had lunch, came back and got to work in the lab finally around 1. Stayed till almost 7 when my prof realized he had to catch the last bus. Oops.

Came back to the apartments and Ernie had made dinner for everyone. Chicken with spicy stuff. Was very tasty. After that we watched The Producers and then went to bed.

Woke up around 10:30 and laid around a bit before getting up to walk over to Mayer Hall for presentations at 2. After presentations, Ernie and I wandered campus and took pictures since we're both not from around here and are camera-holics. The view from the cliffs was absolutely amazing! I was so happy that there is such a nice view so close to campus.

Alex then took a bunch of us out to In-n-Out Burger and we had dinner and then came back and played apples to apples and card games with a couple of his friends till it was well past midnight. Super fun.

Slept till 11ish and sat around reading my book some more most of the day. Nicole finally came home around 6 or 7 and we went grocery shopping and then went over to the guys apartment (theirs tends to be the hang out mostly because they have guitar hero) to play more card games, including spoons.

Had more presentations at 10. Gave mine on my research project in basically the same terms i used to describe it earlier last week. Went well. Went to the lab and worked till about 4:30 when we ran out of things to do so we went home. Stephanie R. made dinner for everyone tonight. Thai Chicken with Red Curry. Very tasty. Then we all kind of hung around not doing anything in particular till we decided to go pick up ice cream from the grocery store and watch a movie while we ate it. We watched Proof. (Can you tell we're nerds?) Now it's time for bed.


Also, pictures are on facebook. If you need a direct link, just message me and i'll post it.

la jolla, reu, research, california

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