May 12, 2010 10:18
sooo... it's been a long while since i've posted here. since then i saw the used again, got into water color and maybe figured out what i've wanted to do. but i'm still not so sure.
seeing my old entries make me want to punch myself in the face. was i really that obnoxious seeming? no wonder people don't really like me >3> or maybe i'm being too hard on myself. idc.
i'm pretty tired right now since i haven't slept yet, but i intend on doing so soon. i wanna stay up as long as i can though.
i've been twitching a lot and i needa nee a neurologist and get a mri. i'm sorta nervous, but not as much as going to the dentist. my teeth are kinda bad and.. idk. i'm afraid they can't fix it, being put under and dying, or having a tooth drilled out.
i've been on rpg forums again and i recently made a new character, using bert mccracken of the used as his faceee. i need to look up this disorder more, but he's a apotemnophiliac, which is pretty much wanting to have a healthy limb amputated. he's pretty much in a rehab forum for it cause he kept trying to detach a limb. it's different. plus he believes he's been abducted by aliens and by aliens i mean the greys.
i have too much free time and i thought of flying elephants recently farting out fire to help them gain distance with flying. random and weird. but the elephant has phoenix in it, gasoline and beans, which helps fuel it. flying elephants are all the rage in the future, but they'll be a bean shortage.
bert mccracken,
flying elephants,
the used,