Transmission to Master Kenobi, Jedi Temple

Oct 12, 2005 15:33

Propping the door open, Anakin settled in to write a letter home.


Thank you for sending me the care package. I promise to be much more careful with this set of tunics. I'm sorry to hear that pizza has been banned from the Temple after that mysterious order to Master Windu. I know how you enjoy pepperoni.

Homecoming was quite the event. There was a festival on campus with these strange contraptions called dunk tanks, where a student sits on a board until someone throws a ball at a target. Then they fall in the water. I took it as an opportunity to fine-tune my levitation skills (by levitating the ball, not the person, of course), but I'm not sure it was appreciated. I didn't want the machine to feel as if it was not serving its purpose, and the girl who was in the tank at the time couldn't possibly have gotten any wetter.

There was also a dance. I wore the traditional attire of this world (including a decorative noose around my neck. Strange beings.) and escorted Senator Amidala. We even danced a couple of times. She assured me that her feet will recover eventually.

Classes continue to go well. I participated in a very interesting experiment in Cyborg Relations to understand the way a droid might think. Our droids aren't very lifelike, of course, but apparently there are some dimensions where droids can pass for humans. Hopefully the Separatists will never get that advanced.

I'm using my studies from the Temple much more than I thought I would. Master Yoda's insights have been invaluable in both Advanced Negotiations and my religion course. I might have shared some of the things you've said, too, Master. But only a few times. I'd hate for you to start thinking I'm paying attention to what you say.

The first meeting of the Flight Club was quite a success. An entire club of beings as excited about flying as I am--and Senator Amidala was kind enough to let us borrow her starship for the first meeting. No flying yet, though: I want to make certain that everyone who says they know how to fly actually knows how to fly. The club has a bucket of bolts to tinker with before it'll get through the atmosphere without tearing itself apart. Some of the members even have their own ships with them at school, so we shouldn't have shortage of new machines to learn.

Speaking of which, there's a Corellian cruiser here, complete with Corellian. He's not from our time, though, and mentioned something about Wookiees being held in slavery. That can't possibly be correct, can it? I'd hate to think what might have happened to wrought such a terrible change in the way of life on Kashyyk.

I should get back to my studies now. I can't wait to see you I'm looking forward to your arrival I suppose I'll be seeing you in a few weeks. If you manage to bring along some of the sweets from home, I'd be grateful. It's not necessary that they be snitched directly from Master Yoda's candy jar, of course. You're probably too old to be able to get to them anyway. Reflexes not quick enough, etc.


He picked up his religion textbook with a decided lack of enthusiasm. An interruption would not be unwelcome.

letters to obi-wan

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