Anakin opened the door to his room with a sigh, glaring at the random things that were still hanging from the ceiling.
He gave a quick glance around the space to make certain that his roommate hadn't reappeared while he was gone, then reached into the Force and tore the decorations from the ceiling.
He smiled in grim satisfaction. It was good to see one thing go according to plan in the last few weeks.
Crossing the room with a slight limp to his step, he dropped his bag onto his bed and sat down, reaching up to touch the fading blaster scar that still marred his cheek.
It was good to be home. He wondered how much he had missed: the cold weather outside as he crossed the campus seemed to indicate that he hadn't managed to miss graduation at least, and Yoda's tank not being in the room meant that Rory had gotten his note.
Rory. He reached into his bag, carefully removed the globe she had given him, and placed it onto his desk with a small smile.
He should go pick up Yoda. It was the responsible pet owning thing to do and all. Nothing to do with wanting to see Rory again.
He stood up from the bed with a grimace, then walked back out of the room, heading
[OOC: The boys are back...]