Glancing over at the Yuffie-shaped pile that was sniffling on her bed, Anakin decided to write Obi-Wan a quick letter then get out of the room before he picked up his roommate's cold. He thought of some of the things that he had been doing since returning from Coruscant: Almost getting in a fight with Logan at
Caritas, more
snarking in ACJ, listening to
Rory explain oral sex, having a
condom balloon fight, getting bit by a
gremlin (again) and turing into a Brady (and
getting a date with Draco, whoops), and having a dance with his good friend
Then there had been his conversation with
Lee. Anakin made a face. Um. Yeah. Best to stick with classes.
Classes have begun again, and I am sure that this semester will be just as challenging as last year was. I am taking
Tactics of War with Professor Carter. She taught me Cyborg Relations last semester and has a very interesting view on the universe. With the increasing tensions between the Republic and the Separatists, I have a bad feeling that the information I learn in this class might serve a more practical purpose than either of us would like. I also have another class with
Professor Tick--the blue being you met at Parents' Weekend. I was sure you'd be pleased to hear that.
I'm also taking a course in human psychology focusing on a person named
Carl Jung and his work with the
human psyche. I imagine this will be very useful in future negotiations, even if the Separatists continue their unreasonable demands.
journalism class you made me take might end up being a bad idea. The professor seems very interested in my life at the Temple. This week we learned about writing
headlines, which I imagine will only make my reports to the Council easier to read. "TATOOINE: A COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME." See? Easy.
I've also been forced to agreed to run for
student office. I've put up
posters but someone seems to be trying to
mess with my campaign. Seems that politics is rather the same everywhere. And it's just as pointless here as it ever was back home. The elections are tomorrow so I'll lose and go back to being ignored by most of my classmates.
We have some new ones, by the way. They seem to be settling in pretty well, and after a gremlin attack made several students believe they were part of some holonet television family seem to be believing those of us who have been here a while about the stories we had been telling them. My new roommate is, um, a perky female ninja. She decorated our room with many, many bright colors. And yes, I can hear you laughing from here.
A question for you, Master. It seems that on this world, the Jedi mind trick is considered an invasion rather than a useful and practical option for negotiating difficult situations. I don't have your ways with words, Master--how do I explain it to beings who don't understand?
I don't like feeling their fear. It reminds me too much of the Temple.
Anakin sighed and ran his hands through his hair. He wasn't sure if Obi-Wan would be able to answer his question, and he really didn't want to explain the entire Logan situation. He needed to be distracted.
He walked out of his room looking for trouble.