DC Trip

Jun 20, 2008 09:32

For once the DC in the title line does not stand for Dashboard Confessional!

Its for Washington DC.

Kristi and I went to DC last weekend to visit our friend Steve from college.
We hadnt seen him in about 4 years so its always nice to see an old friend. The trip started friday night in Philly i headed down after work and we had dinner then a few drinks at a bar called Downeys on South St. In true Maureen fashion we were supposed to have 1-2 drinks and call it an early night but of course we stayed out til 3 am and we wanted to get up at 6 to drive. So we decided it was a good idea to leave at 4 am to get to Va by 7. Steve works nights so i guess it was good to all get there at the same time so we could all nap at the same time then hit the city. I honestly slept most of the way down (bad navigator :-P ) so when we got to Va i couldnt sleep at all. We got up around noon to ride the Metro into the city. I had this awful delayed hangover that i thought was going to plague me all day. but after a large ice cold diet coke from McDonalds i was fine! :-). walking in the blistering sun while feeling out of it would have been awful and staying home all day sleeping it off was not an option.

The Metro in DC is really nice. Much cleaner and better maintained than the subway. Less bums and beggars and they even have digital signs telling you when the next train would be coming. We saw the Holocaust Museum and the National Zoo. I finally got to see PANDAS in real life! YAY Pandas! they are even cuter up close. all the seem to do is eat Bamboo all day. they have little mountains of it in front of them. The Holocaust museum was really cool as well. i hadnt been to DC since i was 17 and i dont think it was even built then. My fave part of that page of history is the nazis wacky medical experiments. Look them up on google. Sick and scary stuff but really interesting. We had dinner in the city at magiano's some Italian place. it wasnt bad but not the best food ive ever had. Their calamari wasn Bangin'!

We planned to go out for a night in old town but we never made it. Instead we went for a walk through the monuments at night which was really nice. I hadnt seen the WWII memorial so it was nice. We also saw the washington monument, the Lincoln Memorial and the capitol and the white house. it is much more beautiful at night without the annoying tourists .Unfortunately i forgot my camera otherwise this could have been a nice picture post! :-( it was just like college where krsti steve and I would spend hours just walking and talking about anything that came into our heads. A lot of it is about relationships and stuff. but some about morbidly obese people, medical anomolies, people we dont like, work, purses etc. it was nice to have a weekend night without drinking and seeing a new city. We didnt get in til 3 so we slept late the next day and then went to Arlington National Cemetary. We saw JFKs grave and the tomb of the unknown soldier as well as the women is war museum. it was really sad but i guess they are trying to show these people died for something...what that is i dont know. the womens museum had a huge book just of women who have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Mothers, sisters, friends its all just too much sometimes...it made me realize i have to go out there and vote.

Steve didnt want us to leave on sunday but we had a 3 hr drive to Philly and i had another 2 hr drive to NJ after that :-P so we headed home. i stopped off in Fairmount before heading home to share scrapbook pics with the girls. I missed them so much. i need to make time for a weekend down there becuase i know it would be so much fun. Got home at 3 am :-P and worked all week. boo.

Life has been business as usual here. i finally found a 2nd roommate! :-D she is super cool and moves in this weekend. hopefully you wont ben hearing any horror stories. Lots of good shows coming up this summer. Old 97s, Everclear, Butch Walker, Matt Pryor, its gunna be a fun summer! (maybe Chris will grace us with some dates too)

take care loves! <3
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