Life is hard but its worth living

Nov 05, 2007 11:00

So i seriously feel like the world is caving in on me
Anyone wanna sell me a Xanex for $5? (hah)

Anyway. i am super stressed at work we have this huge study that i need to test by monday considering i will be out both monday and friday this is creating a little bit of a problem. plus i have dashboard tonight and thursday and class tomorrow. so the only day i can even work late is wednesday. this week is going to be hell. i will be lucky if i dont kill myself by the end of it. And after hearing Rach's report of the show on Saturday i dont know if these shows will just add to my stress and make me more miserable

Plus i am working on this impossible take home exam. ive gotten to the point of not caring. i have an answer for every question. are they all the right answeres? probably not but i could care less at thsi point. i cant wait to see my sister and the rest of the girl on friday and just have a few drinks and laugh till i cant breathe. ..

till then
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