Apr 03, 2007 21:08
That pretty much sums up my day!
I've been so tired, and today, despite my free period this afternoon, I had to stay back late and work this stupid psychology project with Isaac and Brad. OK, I know I'm a perfectionist and sometimes a bitch, but GOD! I HATE WORKING IN GROUPS!
I did something cool is psycology though. We had to do roll playing, and I didn't nearly pass out this time! I had to be a woman being yelled at by her husband. He's like "SHUT UP, WOMAN! GO DO THE DISHES!" lol ... then in the next scene, our kid was playing a video game, like "DIE! DIE!" lol then his brother asked if he could have a go, and the aggressive kid goes "NO! GO AWAY!" and throws the controller. Then in the next one, the aggressive kid is watching westling and I tell him to go do his homework, and he yells "NO, SHUT UP! GO TO THE DISHES!" lol ... we had to display how an aggressive child might end up how he is.
But yeah, had a free period, then went into the library. Isaac was already in there, but I had a coffee and wasn't allowed to take it in. I can't believe it, but I actually had the internal debate that Leigh had mentioned in religion. I could either risk burning my tongue and drink the coffee quickly, thus having more time to study with Isaac, or I could drink the coffee slowly but waste more time away from study. My tongue is now burnt.
Oh, and during my free, I climbed the external steps up A block and onto the highest place you can get to without actually being on the roof. It was cool, nice view. I did something kinda risky, but worth it.
Anyway, when we got kicked out of the library, because it was closing, Brad took the bus home, Isaac walked home and I waited an hour for dad to pick me up because the bus annoys me. I had an hour and a half to wait and I wrote a short story, a poem and drew a picture, and still had half an hour to wait! Anyway, here's my poem:
Welcome To Your Life
Biting winds and frozen rain
Symbols of a deeper pain
Kiss goodbye the love you've gained
Welcome to your life.
Whispered fears and echoed cries
Comfort words were only lies
See the world through narrow eyes
Welcome to your life.
Hush the voice inside your head
Watch their lives in deeper red
Angry words you never said
Welcome to your life.
And like a beaten, bitter wife
You'll find yourself in fatal strive
You'll fall upon a sharper knife
Welcome to your life.
And my picture was a boys face, with the caption:
Bunny Says: "You're in pain? You've been hurt and abused and there's no way out? You can't hold on but you can't let go, and no one cares? No one tries to help? Honey, welcome to reality."
And the story, well it just sucked lol.