Aug 21, 2005 14:34
OMG. today at church, me and kat had to go down to the nursery cause there wasnt ANY workers AT ALL!! so, we went down there, and there were like 8 or 9 4to5 year olds..and it was just me and kat! And taylor ramey cried THE WHOLE TIME!!! it was so crazy! we were like "taylor, do you want a snack?" and he was like "NOOOOOOO. I WANT MY MOMMA!!" and he was screaming/crying through all of it. Then we turned up the little intercom thing where all the kids could hear the band sing, and me and Kat started dancing around and singin, then they all just sat down and watched was so funny. then, jamie and noah started beating me with plastic spatulas and spoons. then noah was like, "im sorry for hitting you, i want you to have this" and he handed me a necklase with cheerios on was so sweet.
I get to go to the service tonight and hear that guy...randal helms ( i think ) speak..i heard he was REALLY good and that he jumps around and screams and stuff. i love those kind of preachers/evangalists...
well, im gonna go now! love you guys!
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