I love you, always and forever....near and far always together....!!!!

Apr 12, 2005 16:29

-sighs- I’m depressed. About this whole “prom” shit. Its so stupid now. Why does it have to be so fucking hard? All I want is to have fun. Oh but no, Sara has to act like a bitch about it. All she cares about is having the “perfect” night with her stupid boyfriend. Fuck them. =\ dammit. God forbid I want to do something that makes ME happy. Why do I always do everything to make other people happy? Bitches suck. I talked to Chip last night. I’m not sure why, but he is being really sweet to me. Its kinda freaking me out. Don’t get me wrong I love it, it’s just different. Like all of a sudden on Sunday he was saying things to me, that he’s never really said before. I told him about the prom and how I didn’t want to go with Jonathan anymore. I want to go with him, and he said that he wanted a lot of pictures of me all dressed up and beautiful. And I was like AW. So I am gunna get some of the pics on a CD to give to him. He was so cute, he was like Ashley, I wish you were here to go to my baseball games. And I was like aw me too; I would be your biggest and loudest fan. =) he’s such a dork. I love him so much. My wedding album thing is due next Monday. I have a lot of it done. I have to ask Ashley what bridesmaid’s dresses she wants. Lol I still haven’t told my mom or Sara about the project. Mainly b/c I’ll have to tell them about Chip. And I’m scared to. I don’t want them to be upset with me, and I don’t want to like jinx it or what not. But I want to tell me mom, a lot. Just b/c I want to tell her that I think I’m in love. But I dunno if she will take it seriously. But I would show her the conversations and the emails he writes to me, so that she can see why I care about him. =D I haven’t talked to Daniel and a while. Its ok though, b/c I give all my attention to chip. =) Ashley and I were suppose to go walking last night…but of course something just HAD to come up. Randy hurt his back and I had to go drive him everywhere. And then today Sara wants to go to the stupid mall ..ugh. and Alvaro is prolly gunna go with us, so double ugh. So hopefully, we will get back in time, and Ashley and I can go walking tonight. We haven’t gone in like forever. Its bad. In graphic arts we are gunna print the other part of our message pad today. Yesterday we did the pictures and today were gunna go the words. Mine is AWESOME!! It says on the top; Emo_Kid and then at the bottom right corner it has a pick of a heart, and its red. I love it. Its gunna be cute. I found out that the day before my graduation (may 17th) Lilly and Matthew are coming down for the whole summer. For like 2 whole months. May 17th til like August 8th. Isn’t that hot?! Im so excited. I dunno what I am gunna do with them while they are here. I will take them to have lunch with everyone, and prolly go to the beach, and to the pool. Maybe even think about taking them to Chuckie Chesses. But I need someone to go with me. -coughAshleycough- that’s my home girl there. Lol. But I am happy about it. The day before graduation they are coming in at like 9 something, and so I am not gunna be able to sleep that night, and then the day of graduation I have to be at the place at freaking 7. im like dammit. So I will have to wake up early b/c I’ll have to get everyone. Boo. Grad night is in a few weeks. I think next Saturday. Yes! Hopefullly I will be able to meet up with Ashley somewhere, prolly not but hey. We can try. Omfg, I miss Chip. So much. =\ dammit. Well I am gunna go, b/c I don’t feel like typing anymore. L8ER!


01. Last Cigarette: never, I don’t smoke.
02. Last Kiss: um..not sure
03. Last Cry: last night, but it was a good cry. i just missed Chip. but it was good...promise!
04. Last Library Book Checked Out: Ranibow high...haha
05. Last Movie Seen In a Theatre: The ring 2
06. Last Book Read: Taming of the shrew...school
07. Last Cuss Word Uttered: fuck
08. Last Beverage Drank: Code Red Mountain dew
09. Last Food Consumed: soup
11. Last TV Show Watched: something on Fuse
12. Last Time Showered: Last night
13. Last Shoes Worn: black and pink converses
14. Last CD Played: Story of the year
15. Last Soda Drank: Mountain dew
16. Last Thing Written: I love Chip, on my paper lol
17. Last Words Spoken: bye
18. Last Sleep: This morning
21. Last Ice Cream Eaten: Red Velvet cake shit…SOO good
22. Last Time Wanting to Die: um…I think maybe last Thursday?
26. Last Big Car Ride: wth? With Ashley to and from her dads house?
27. Last Crush: hmm I think im gunna go with Chip.
28. Last Annoyance: Fucking, jonathan all up in my damn ear, with that asshole voice of his.
39. Last Disappointment: LORI LORI LORI LORI!!!!!! hahaha
30. Last Time Scolded: Today by mother for being online "too much" (noteven 4 hours at the time)
32. Last Web Site Visited: www.greatestjournal.com

N U M B E R O F . . .
01. piercings: 2 in each ear.
02. tattoos: 0
03. height: 5'3
04. shoe size: 9
05. hair color: brown
06. siblings: two older bros.

L A S T . . .
01. movie you rented = that movie Ashley made me watch.
02. movie you bought = wth? I have no damn idea
03. song you listened to = Accpetance- take cover
04. song that was stuck in your head = a TBS song..”tell all your friends” I do belive.
05. cd you bought = Green Day
07. person you've called = hahaa I don’t call people
08. person that's called you = Ashley
10. person you were thinking of = CHIP!!!!
11. friend you made = this boy named Mike in my fourth period class. Hes muh buddie.
F O R O R A G A I N S T ...
+ long distance relationship: completely agree with it…lol.

+ suicide = I could never do it, but I understand why they do.

+ killing people = nothing, if they deserve to die.

+ teenage smoking = i don’t care, just don’t blow it in my face.

+ doing drugs = don’t care.

+ driving drunk = stupid and dangerous

+ soap operas = wtf?

F A V O R I T E . . .
+ things to do = hang out with friends, talk to Chip, watch movies etc….
+ things to talk about = Everythings…boys hahahaha

+ sports = bowling, and baseball, those players are HOT!

+ drinks = Dr. Pepper
+ clothes brand = wth I don’t care.

+ movies = Horror, comedy, romance

+ singer = LOTS

+ holiday = Christmas

H A V E Y O U . . .
+ ever cried over a girl = yes, but I wasn’t in love with her
+ ever cried over a boy = shit yes…all the damn time.
+ ever lied to some= yes
+ ever been in a fist fight = no
+ ever been arrested = no, thank god

W H A T . . .
+ hand soap do you use = dove
+ shoes do you wear = Converse
+ are you scared of = Love, rejection
N U M B E R . . .
.. of times you have been in love? Once
...of times your hearts been broken? Once
.. of hearts you have broken? Hopefully none
.. of girls you have kissed? = none
.. of boys you have kissed? =
.. of drugs taken illegally? = 0
.. of people you would classify as true, could trust with your life type friends? Ashley, Sara, Chip.
.. of people you consider your enemies? = hmmm…….
.. of times your name has appeared in the newspaper? I think once…
.. of things in your past that you regret? = a lot of things.
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