Jul 07, 2003 16:30
Whatever possessed me to listen to Weezer today? I don't know. What I do know is...I want a taco. Or two. Yeah, two tacos. I'm goddamn hungry.
Work is fun. I want this one guy. And yeah. Uhhh...too many weird things happen there!! Like the child molester beer can opener (Matt chased me with it) and the umbrella hat. I <3 umbrella hats. I haven't seen too many people come in to the store while I'm working. I've seen Amanda, Boring Kid (Justin), Mike Biondi, Desiree and Autumn. More people need to come and visit me, so I can show them hilarious things. Nothing beats the imaginary religious section. Ian gave me an electronic Bible yesterday. Matt gave me a book on CD that "cost him a pretty penny." I have a meeting tomorrow.
I think I'm just gonna relax after the meeting tomorrow morning. Hopefully, I'll hang out with Amanda sometime tomorrow, since she's leaving for Idee-ho on Wednesday. Ack! I'm gonna be bored without her around! At least I'll be working most of the time to keep myself somewhat occupied.
I'm getting muscles! Not beefy ones, but they're good enough. :)
Gotta go!