Nov 05, 2006 12:05
Gah. These past couple of weeks have been tiring. College is fucking hard, let me say that. And bad suitemates don't make it any better.
So yeah, every week there is always like an exam or something big due. But this week, there isn't! Except for an economics quiz due Friday... but that should be fine. Otherwise, after this week, theres an exam every week until finals. And then finals. Oh man. I should really start studying for finals now, especially for Microbiology, because I am really not doing so hot in micro. I don't want my GPA to go lower than my minimum GPA, because then I will lose my scholarship. And no one wants that happening. Hopefully I'll actually get A's or at least even A-'s this semester and it'll "cancel" out the bad micro grade. Gah. I was really considering dropping it and taking it in the Spring or even summer. But then that conflicts with everything else. I'll have to make sure I find an apartment soon, and a job around here (if i were to take it in the summer). If I were to take it in the Spring, I'd have to drop an elective, and then take something in the summer back at home somewhere, depending on what I want to take for my required courses. Ugh. So yeah. I'm just going to stick it out. Hopefully it won't be bad. I don't know what's wrong with me and micro...
Well the suitemate situation seems to get worse. Both Ben and Jason can be assholes. But Ben seems to be the bigger asshole. Jason just needs to learn to grow up in a world that doesn't revolve around him, and Ben needs to become a lot more open-minded. Whatever, it's not my place to say. Or maybe it is, I am their suitemates, and is there responsibilty for me to try and help? Hmm.
Well I do think Ben is an asshole. He's ridiculous. He'll just shout, "FUCKING NIGGERS." He, however, is not racist, for he has many black friends, listens to rap music, and watches a lot of sports. A LOT of sports. That ass never turns off the sports. Shit, it's my TV and all he does is watch sports. I'm tired of the fucking announcers and their whistles and the crowd. And the damn intro music (which Ben was playing on his computer on REPEAT. Who does that? Please tell me.) Ugh.
So the weekend before Halloween, Friday to be exact, I went to a Halloween party and got crunked. I dressed up as Brandon from the "But It's Better If You Do" video. It was an alright attempt. If you want to see, I'll show you. So yeah, I had fun, and I got crunked because I wanted to forget about Micro. Yeah. That was the last time I partied though.
I can't wait for Thanksgiving. I can't wait to go home and see everyone. I want to go to RV and visit Mrs. Chait. It'll be a year exactly since I saw her, because last year I went to visit her during Thanksgiving break. That was the last time I went to RV. I'm excited to talk to her about my World Literature class, lol. Yeah, I'm a dork. I'm only excited because I've changed since leaving high school. And by that, I mean I've changed my study/homework habits. Which should've happened during high school, not 2nd year of college. Oh well. I do regret slacking off in high school. I wish I didn't. I wish I was smart and that I actually did my homework at home and not during tutorial. Damn was I a bad student. Shit. It's crazy because all these freshman used their AP credits to get out of classes like Statistics and Psychology. I didn't even take those classes. Whatever, my school needs a 4 or 5 for AP Credit anyway.
Okay well there's a short little update. I need to go take a shower and do mad homework before work, 5-8.
I am a little sad though, but I'll save it for a rainy day...