Mar 26, 2004 00:07
I am just gonna have a big rant.
Well it took me so long to do this that i actually just want to go to bed...and the fact that i has a tummy ache dont help. I need to go read some more computer magazines coz you need to be all computer geeky and act like you ate the whole of you special edition computer magazines as brain food to do this....damn this thing.AND ANOTHER THING MSN IS NOW FUCKING GAY(and so is kevin) COZ IT WONT WORK FOR ME!it does not like me..i can tell.And as for Macdonalds...y do the have the same heppy flags still the one with Ronald and Grimace.....those ones are boring i am easily bored ya know and yet so easily amused.....I want THAT ONE.....DO IT DO IT,Yeah you had to be there.I have a confession to make i know its wrong but i kinna maybe like that Rasmus song-In the shadows :( sorry:( hmmmmmmmmmm i think that i have finished my rant but beware as i shall stab you if you say anything bad about this shitty piece or shit ...note how good my grammar is???
I would also like to say thankyou to Lubo for his kind help in this and thanx to Brian for keeping me awake with his constant gay yet witty replies to my questions :-|.
laters x x x