May 10, 2006 07:58
well yesterday I made my directorial debut. Jocker Janae and I put together a lil two part indie music video for The Cogent. In case you didnt kno. The Cogent is Jon and Emo's band. They needed some sort of material on their myspace, and as a band in general. So we did what we could. We went to the roof of this parking structure and were interrupted many times by the falling of Emo's shwoop (big ass combover), constant giggling, and the emergence of a scary rent-a-cop on a bike. So we took to the Mission Inn to try and get the conclusion of the video. Ended up taking more promo shots than anything else. Since everywhere was too dark, we ended up going outside and playing outside the hotel, making them look like a couple of homeless ppl playing on a street corner. Then we high-tailed it back to Jon's to see if we could up load the video, which it did. Me and Janae watched some 30SecondsToMars videos, and oogled their guitarist, and me and Jon yearned for Jared Leto to make out with himself, if you havent seen the video for THE KILL, you have no idea what im talking about so you should go watch it. Me n Emo, and possibly Janae, are planning on going to go see them at the Avalon on June 1st. I'm hoping I can trust my baby boy with this cuz i REALLY REALLY want to go. I dont kno who else is playing, but I just care about seeing Jared and Shannon, cuz their just too hot. So ya, Ilove you emo and if you're reading this pweeze take me! Any who, if you havent yet, go to and look in the videos section and watch the video for TODAY (pt. I). Conclusion coming soon...