(no subject)

Oct 12, 2004 05:43

Name: Gabe
Age: 18
Location: DC area
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
How did you hear about the community? Through random lj wanderings.

Ten bands:
-> Still Life
-> Embrace
-> Moss Icon
-> Navio Forge
-> Q And Not U
-> Alison Ranger
-> The Blood Brothers
-> Hot Water Music
-> Braid
-> Dismemberment Plan
Five movies:
-> Gummo
-> Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
-> Requiem For A Dream
-> Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas
-> Monty Python And The Search For The Holy Grail
Three books:
-> Slaughterhouse Five
-> 95 Poems
-> Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas
Colour[s]: Navy Blue, Black, Green
Actor/Actress: John Cusack
Finger: index
Chocolate bar: HERSHEYS

Three things you can do:
1. Play guitar
2. Touch the tip of my nose with my tongue
3. Eat food
Three things you wish you could do:
1. Draw well
2. Computer Programming
3. Cook better
Three shows you watched when you were little:
1. Kablam!
2. Ren and Stimpy
3. Power Rangers
Three things you can't live without:
1. music
2. friends
3. foood
Three phrases/words you say everyday:
1. oh fuck!
2. hi
3. huh?
Three pet peeves:
1. idiots at blockbuster
2. poor driving
3. my english professor
Three things you're scared of?:
1. failure
2. death
3. an unbased fear of getting arrested

Homosexuality: go for it
Eating Animals: yum
School: good for you
Mr. Jackson: there are a lot of "mr. jackson's"
Labels: bad, but we use them all the time

1) Two-Three clear shot of your face (manditory)

Why should you be an Emo Elite? cause i am an emo elitist
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