(no subject)

Apr 17, 2004 01:06


Ya... today sucked assholes!First is school. Melodie went to the hospital during school for cutting her wrists last nite cuz Bob didn't want her back. OK! YA! Last nite she called the cops on me and my mom. She told them that it was MY fault she cut her wrists and it was my MOMS fault that she didn't believe her. WTF?! How cynical can you get? Dude.... it's her fault that she cut herself. Well... any way...she went the 5F ( the phyc. ward). Good... cuz I seriously think that she's got some problems that she needs to resolve!

Ok... then was the mall with Tara cuz I'm spending the nite. Well.... things were fine at first. We went into Hot-Topic and Jay was totally embaressing Tara! He kept effing with her and ya..... I think Greg now knows that she likes him. Lol.Then we went and talked to Stiffler about the Stotler situation. Ya... she confermed it all... the whole phyc ward thing. I was like... ok.Ya.. well then we went to Spencers and Tara got her mom these kick-ass keys for her keyboard. Lol... they rock socks Tara! Ya.... Adam was there and he was his usual perve self. Lol (shut up Tara!). Lol. Well... then thing went down the shitter. Well... while walking back to Hot-Topic we saw BOB. Ya... no good.No good at all. We like booked it into Hot-Topic and hid for about 5 minutes. Then we ran to the phones and called my mom and had her bring my brother Bud out so he'd protect me. Lol... he's effing scary. Lol. Ya... we found Bob and my brother scared Bob so bad that he went to the fone and called his mommy. Lol... how lame! THEN.. SINCE TARA'S A SMART-ASS..... she marches in the doors and pushes the reciever down and hangs up on Bob's mom. She was like, "Fuck you asshole! Stay the fuck away from Katie b4 I effing kick your ass bitch!". Well... it was long and contained more swear words... but ya...lol.. dont wanna type that all. THEN, MY MOM WENT IN THE DOORS! She effing told him how she was getting a PFA against him on Monday! Dude, I was like, "Tara... I never seen my mom like this b4!". Dude... my mom effing rocks! Well... we left the mall.

On the way out we say our singing buddy... Kyle! Dude... they were getting stoned! Haha.. I was like,"No fair!". Lol.Ya! Well...I've got enuff evidence to get Bob arrested. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! EFFING PHYCO! HE'S GOING DOWN!


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