Aug 16, 2004 22:18

omg there is sooo much fucking drama rite now.. mmkay.. well alex told aj that i supposedly had this hardcore makeout session with him.. and so w/e... now aj mite wanna break up with me.. so ugh.. iono.. i hate alex and hope he dies.. kris too.. ugh.. long story.. but most of you know it anyways.. my friend robert is in tha hospital.. thats very sad.. im sad!! i dont want him ta hurt himself anymore.. i love that kid hes soooo cool! but yea.. so what else? oh i went out with this kid steven.. and he cheated on me after he was fucking in tears cos he didnt want me ta cheat on him.. now he supposedly is still in love with me.. whatever we shall see how that whoel thing turns out.. he says he wants ta ask me out again.. i think hes just lonely cos all of tha chicks that he did have fer that brief moment realized what a loser he was.. mwahahaha.. im sooo mean sometimes.. i love it! dont you?? so what else?? uhm... iono.. matthew is finally over ari.. so thats good.. he finally realized that he needs ta move on... what else... iono... i miss my evan.. uhm.. i get my hair done tomorrow.. cut and highlighted.. uhm.. school starts soon.. eww.. drama up tha ass.. ewww.. ugh.. w/e.. just take a whole buncha pills and be done with it.. well kids.. its time fer me ta go ta bed.. nite nite yall! byeeee xoxoxo
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