Concrit/OOC Issues.
I post in the concrit comm once in a while, but otherwise the new crit meme post is up in this LJ. Any kind of crit is welcome, but constructive crit is the best, although I can't say I won't reply with a long-winded rebuttal/explanation to comments; not because I don't want to take your crit in mind, but it'll be more out of trying to explain my perspective on things like a weasel.
Feel free to contact me re: OOC or in-game issues anytime. Contact methods listed below, but I might take more than one day to reply because my schedule sucks.
Contact Methods.
Email me at either ryuuen[at] or chibisai_kun[at] On LJ, I'm
kagu-chan; AIM would be KaguKagenami, and on IRC I'm Athrun/Dearka/derivative thereof, but email would be the most reliable since the other methods are infrequently used.
Currently in GMT + 0800 (Kuala Lumpur/Singapore). That's... EST +11 or 12 hours, I think? I'm on a sortof break for the next several months while waiting for university, so I come on irregularly-- in the sense that I leave and come randomly-- but I'm usually on in the mornings just after I get up and late into the night.
Cliques, thread droppping, etc.
...I admit it. I hang around mainly with canon cast members and characters that mine have been familiar with for a while these days, which really isn't good practice. There's always the higher security in playing off the SEED crew since I know what to expect of their characters (mostly) and a whole history of stuff to pull material from is... well, there. And given I have the memory of a sieve (and the drive-to-meme of a... lurker?), I've been guilty of completely forgetting if other characters have interacted with mine or not, which ends up with me just playing mine as semi-casual with them. Deep and meaningful relationships, this leads not to, and I'm really sorry. This is not to say that I want to keep things this way-- please, if anybody wants to interact with Athrun or Dearka, just jab me in the ribs and I'm more than happy to, and feel free to add further pokes if I'm being bad. D:
I tend to drop threads more with Athrun since he's not usually the kind of person who tries to keep a casual conversation going, so if it looks like the discussion is finished or it's descended into dotting, I skim over the thread. Dearka's threads get a bit more attention. OOCly, I do drop threads sometimes for the sole reason of not knowing what to reply with. Fail. Other times I have to run off midway for parental errands.
That said, I'm also bad at picking up threads that have been left for over a day, but if you want them continued or resolved OOCly, do contact me!
Comfort Levels.
Not sure what to say about this. XD Um. OOCly, I'm fine with pretty much everything, but if something really comes out of the blue I can't guarantee a response, like image postings and things. And if anything I do bothers YOU, give me a nudge and I'll fix it.
ICly, Athrun is okay with getting casual touching from people he knows on slightly more than acquaintance level (and from most girls). Hugging is...disconcerting. But he's getting used to it or at least when coming from Meer. Dearka's slightly more tactile than Athrun, but prefers touching other people-- light prodding, slaps on the back, that kind of thing-- more than being touched.
Provocation-wise, Athrun will dot, ignore you or try to politely ask you to stop; Dearka will either play along with the game until it starts to annoy him a little more than he likes. Depending on the source/reason either Serious Mode or guns will come out when things cross a line.
I'm a slow beta, and rarely good in terms of reading for plot/humor cracks, but if you need help with the technical side of things (spelling/grammar), I can help, since I'm a spelling nazi.
Character Preference.
...I tend to play Dearka more mainly because Yzak-mun is always on even at insane hours. (Love you bebe.) That said, Dearka is easier to play when I'm in an aggressive/feel-like-talking-up-new-people mood, while Athrun comes out a bit more infrequently these days since playing him snares up my mind a lot more in terms of thinking about IC/canon implications and things... but generally I don't prefer either over the other too much.
Combat Info.
...let's do this RPG-data style!
Traits: Coordinator, SEED-bearer, ace pilot, overall top graduate of his year in ZAFT Academy training. Canon blurbing states that while Coordinators were meant to be better at everything, they still have to train to level up that far. Kind of like Natural character A having 900 HP and able to reach 4500 HP at level 99, compared to Coordinator character B having 900 HP and able to reach 8000 HP at level 99.
Athrun is probably somewhere like level 90 potential-wise. But that's still only as a "Science-Enhanced Human" job class, and like Shinn pointed out, even a maxed-out Coordinator could probably still be walked over by magical shinigami ballerina ninja, unless Protagonist Power takes over somehow.
STR (Strength): I guess if he wanted to, could crack human bones with his bare hands. Canon doesn't really show much. Official art sometimes gives him bulging pecs.
AGI (Agility!): Fast mofo. Can't outrun a speeding bullet, but dodging several in a fairly focused state of mind isn't beyond him. (-40 penalty to AGI levels when emo/conflicted.) Same applies to melee combat; he's more likely to be grazed than take a direct hit for the first five minutes, at least.
Athrun can also jump at least eight feet, while shooting accurately. This is canon.
DEX (Dexterity.): Scores highest in this class, shoots fast-moving targets dead in the centre during shooting practice in an ep. Again, this happens more when there isn't too much emo weight in his brain, although he's still a pretty good shot even when he's angsting over the morality of his actions.
VIT (Vitalityyy): ...Coordinators heal faster than the average, I guess. And can take a fair bit of punishment without dying. Exhibit A: Oven-baked Kira. Exhibit B: Explosion-in-the-face Kira. Exhibit C: Stabbitied-with-freaking-LASER-SWORD Athrun. Exhibit D: Piloting-with-severe-cranial-trauma Athrun. So... yes, two or three bullets not aimed at overly critical areas shouldn't drop him immediately. He takes a lot longer than any other Coordinator in canon to recover, though.
INT (Intelligence): No magic, no defense against any psychic offensives. Boo.
LUCK: ...Protagonist Power? ...I guess this can be left as "we'll talk when we're actually in a fight."
- SEED mode. Athrun has... some measure of control over this, but it's instinctively triggered when he's in a state of absolute conviction OR rage in a dire situation-- meaning that the angst has to be put aside temporarily. (It never canonly appears when he's unsure of himself or his actions.) During SEED mode, the pupils of his eyes contract to their smallest, so that the irises are fully green, and he enters a mode of what you could call extreme concentration-- faster reactions, faster analyses of movements, and, depending on the trigger, a mood of heigthened calm or berserk anger, though the former is more likely post-Destiny.
- Hand-to-hand/Melee. All ZAFT recruits are trained to cut bitches with combat knives. Athrun was the best of his year. He knows kung-fu to take out gunmen (well only Cagalli springs to mind at the moment but) and has skill enough to supercede some degree of experience on his opponent's part, judging by his sparring with Miguel. Then again, Miguel was a greencoat, but shhh. And if Shinn and Rey can take out armed soldiers with their bare hands, so can Athrun, I say.
- Shooting. See my notes on DEX. Athrun will aim to disable than to kill, and to disarm more than disable, which is why he prefers accurate handguns to power shotguns.
- Pactio. ...the bird-lightsaber is all my fault.
Summary: ...actually, it's probably just easier to say that depending on his emotional state, Athrun's combat power swings between "able to floor Shinn in a fight" and "please stab me while I stand here and angst". At his best, he could proooobably hold off more than a couple of (cannon fodder) ninjas for a while with hand-to-hand/conventional weaponry, but compared to a lot of the hyperpowered types he's pretty weak. Still, SEED mode and all that hero jazz helps.
Traits: Coordinator, elite pilot. Was evidently one of the top five of his class, but more likely in fourth/fifth place (with Athrun/Yzak/Nicol beating him out in almost every other field). I'm taking a tentative step in saying that he's capable of better, just lazy.
STR, VIT, INT: Same as Athrun, except just slightly physically stronger since I can see him being the type who would work out more if he had too much free time (as opposed to study).
DEX: Ahaha. On the one hand, he favors robots with long-ranged rifles and cannons... on the other hand, canon rarely shows him hitting the mark, but the latter could probably be put down to the fact that he was fighting against The Good Guys At The Time. He's a decent marksman, not precise, but accurate; meaning that he probably won't be as likely to hit that moving red dot on your forehead as Athrun could, but a shot in the face in general wouldn't be too hard for him.
AGI: He's fast as Coordinators are, with the training to boot, but speed isn't his specialty; he's less agile than Athrun and Yzak, which is why he tries to avoid close combat where he can.
LUCK: ...not as much Protagonist Power to help, but he has a pretty special knack at surviving near-death situations as long as Yzak's around.
- Hand-to-hand/Melee. Dearka can cut you in a pinch, and if it's a serious fight has no qualms about slicing off fingers if necessary; although he doesn't think anything negative of people who like using sharp objects to fight with, he'd rather break his knuckles on your jaw than stab you. Knives and swords are more often unpleasantly fatal than he likes for casual fights/sparring matches. Still, he won't mention it overtly, and if someone asks him to spar with weapons he'll accept. He'll just be really really careful.
He also knows the martial arts they taught him at the academy, but kind of likes straightforward brawling styles better.
- Shooting. If it's a camper, Dearka might try not to hit the upper chest or the face. It's a monster, it's free-for-all time.
- Blowing things up. He has homemade grenades.
Summary: Not as good as Athrun at the latter's best, but good enough to watch your back if you're for him and give you a good deal of trouble if you're against him, unless you're a cheater Riddle person with abnormal abilities.
Permissions Meme.
I'm open to anything done to my characters as long as it's preferably discussed beforehand, depending on the severity of the situation. As in, you don't need to PM me just to ask if your character can lob a rock at one of mine, but if they're, say, about to have an Ion Cannon of Doom fired at them it'd be great if you could contact me by email or IRC.