Title: Gemma and The Hallway Hands (Part 6 of ?)
Pairing,Character(s): Kurt/Puck, Finn/Mercedes, Gemma (OC)
Rating: PG-13 (this part)
Word Count: 1429 words
Spoilers: Season One.
Genre: Romance/Slight Angst/Dashes of Fluff
Warnings: het romance (see parings), homophobic slurs, fisticuffs.
Disclaimer: I don't own Glee. Don't rub it in okay. I'm still in the depression stage.
Summary: McKinley High gets a new school nurse and she takes special notice of one Noah Puckerman... Get your mind out of the gutter... not that kind of notice.
Previously on GATHH:
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 When Kurt crept down the stairs at ten o'clock, Finn is sleeping with his back to the stairs. He smiled at the quiet rasp that filled the room.
By eleven he's tucked into bed and quietly humming along to the music screaming in his ear. Finn rustled slightly beside him and he didn't give it a second thought until a large warm hand landed on his forearm. He managed to keep his squeak to a volume that wouldn't have his father running down the stairs with his shotgun in his hand.
“What the hell, Finn? You scared the crap out of me.”
“Sorry, buddy. I just had to talk to ya about something.”
“And it couldn't wait until tomorrow at breakfast?”
“No, it's really important.”
“Fine, Finn. What is it?”
Kurt pulled himself up to rest against the headboard. Finn decided to squeeze in next to him. The dim light of his ipod illuminated the fact that the end of his foot barely reached the middle of Finn's calf.
“So, is it okay that I like Mercedes?”
“Of course, Finn. She's my best friend. I hope you can at least be cordial to her when she's here.”
“No, guy. I'm asking if it's okay that I like like her?”
“Oh. Hmm.. of course it is. Mercedes is pretty fabulous. Frankly, I'm surprised she doesn't have half the school falling at her feet.”
“So, it's not like breaking the bro code to get with her?”
“Finn, do I look like the kind of guy who is governed by any kind of bro code?”
“I guess not. But I've never had a little brother before. I just don't want to screw this up.”
“First of all, I'm eight months older than you. Secondly, you have my complete blessing to ask my girl out. If your intentions are sincere.”
“Thanks bro.”
“No problem.”
Finn bounded back to his side of the room. Quiet breath is the only sound that fills the silence, the words don't want to come but he can feel them creeping up his throat and exploding into the darkness.
“Finn, I like Noah.”
“That's awesome, bro. You should totally ask him out.”
Loud snores quickly overtook the room as Kurt stared at his ceiling. Finn liked Mercedes. Mercedes liked Finn. He was happy for them.
He wished his crush was so clear cut.
The fates have definitely conspired against him because by lunch Noah still hasn't caught more than a glimpse of Kurt. He saw him for a second darting into third period Spanish but that was it. He overhears Tina say that he had to do a make-up lab for the one he'd missed that Friday.
Noah spent his lunch spying through the small glass cutout. Watching Kurt fiddle with Bunsen burners and test tubes, the tip of his pink tongue tucked firmly into the corner of his mouth. With wide oversized safety goggles perched on the end of his nose. The shrill sound of the bell ringing pulls him out of his Kurt trance and propels him down the hall to his next class. He doesn't see the group of football players laughing at him as he walks away.
Kurt is rubbing the imprint the ill-fitting plastic glasses left on his nose when he heard it. The cackling laughter, the harsh bite of faggot ringing in his ears. He turns and sees that this time the slur wasn't directed at him. A quick glance tells him that Noah was their latest target.
In three long strides he reaches Langenthal and spins him around. He feels the loud crack of his own knuckles colliding with the former kicker's face. The burning feel of right that flows through him when he sees blood trickle from the corner of his mouth. Kurt can't believe he waited this long to fight back. Now he knew why Noah was always hitting people. When they deserved it, it felt really good. That feeling made what happened next worth it.
The sharp shoulder slamming into his stomach. Knocking the air from his lungs as his head ricochets back into the metal locker. The few weak shots Langenthal manages to get in before Mr Schue pulls him off. The ringing in his ears and the soft graying around the edges in his vision. It's all worth it. Because he defended Noah when no one else would.
Noah was heading down to Gemma's office when he snuck a glance into the math room, hoping to see Kurt. His brow furrowed and worry settled into his stomach. He saw Karofsky heading towards him, holding an ice pack against the bridge of his nose.
“What the fuck happened to you? Did your mom finally decide to fight back?”
“Screw you, Puckerman. Your boy Finn pulled this shit. Spouted some shit about messing with his girl and popped me in the nose. You better tell him that I haven't fucked with that Berry bitch in weeks and if he wants to come at me again I'll be ready.”
“Dude, whatever. I got bigger thing to worry about.”
“You glee fags are fucked. First Finn then that little fairy...” Karofsky was cut off by Noah's forearm pressed into his Adam’s apple.
“What the fuck do you know about Kurt?”
“Nothin. Fuck man. Just that he punched out Marcus before fourth period. He needed stitches. Let me go dude. You're all crazy. Fuck this noise.”
Noah watched Dave walk away and tried to remember that Puck wasn't around any more. Because every fiber of his being was screaming at Puck to jump on his back and beat the fuck out of him. He called Kurt a fairy. Used to be that was hell worthy offense. Instead he just clenched his fist and turned back towards Gemma's office. He was right at the door when he heard the stomp of boot heels pacing the floor.
Gemma had propped herself up against the metal headboard and was watching as Kurt paced holes into the already worn linoleum. A glance at the clock told her that Noah should be on his way by now but the drama queen in her made her keep her mouth shut. The quirk of her mouth as she tried to hide her smile set Kurt off on a rant.
“I mean seriously, how the hell do they think they are? Assuming something like that. What exactly are they seeing that I'm not? Every bone in my body wishes Noah was gay. I spent years of my adolescence building elaborate fantasies about us being married and having kids. Flying off to Milan for my fashion shows. Living on a secluded beach in Cancun. You know, like the end of True Romance?”
“Kurt, why can't you have all that? It doesn't have to be a fantasy.”
“See that's what Finn said too. I told him I like Noah and he was all like, dude you should totally ask him out. Yeah right. I supposed to just walk up to him, look him in the eye and say, hey I know we haven't been close for a few years but I was just wondering if you wanted to go to a movie sometime and I dunno maybe marry me. I value my life and don't really feel like having my nose reset.”
“Kurt, that's unfair. You know Noah isn't like that.” Kurt shoulders deflated and he slumped on the bed beside her.
“I know he isn't. It would be easier if he was. It hurts just as much when I see him kiss Santana in the hall. Sometimes I wish he would just punch me the face instead. It would hurt less than knowing I'm not what he wants.”
“Didn't he just sing that song to you? Maybe that was his way of tell you something.”
“I put that hope away a long time ago and it's going to take more than a heated glance.”
“If that's the case, why did you go after Marcus?”
“I love Noah and the Hummel men look after the ones we love.”
Gemma had to hide her smile behind her hand when she heard the squeak of sneakers turning away from her door. Kurt had certainly given Noah a lot to think about.
One thing's for sure. She just had to sit in on the next meeting of the glee club.