Prompt Word- Mine, Title- Reclamation

Sep 15, 2013 16:57

Written for the 10 Minute Writing Challenge at hitRECord

My body doesn't feel like mine anymore.

I can feel all the pieces that aren't supposed to be there. I can
feel the fingerprints left by too many archeologists preforming too
many evasive excavations. I can taste the dust from the rubble that
they kicked up as they left. The makeshift camps have been deserted
and the smoke of the dying fire fills the back of my throat. I can
see the people that used to live here.

I can trace their heavy footfalls through the sand and I can sense
the craters that they left in their wake. They have left their marks
like hieroglyphics that I am far too blind to read. Their small team
of investigators have taken what they need. They have their samples
and they have already started forming hypothesizes that could explain
what they found. Their smell still lingers here. Their bootprints
will take time to fade.

It's a wonder that my body doesn't feel like mine anymore.
Perhaps that's why it was so easy for me to give it away. I wonder if
now they are gone, the possession of this land will revert to the
previous owner. I wonder if rebuilding will be as gradual as the
dismantle. I wonder.

writing, hitrecord, personal

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