Two 48 hour Film Challenges of 2012

Nov 03, 2012 22:40

Two 48 hour Film Challenges of 2012:

So in late 2011, I signed up for an introductory film making class. The instructor liked my writing and asked me to take part in two separate 48 hour film festival challenges. If you don't know what these are, basically your team gets a genre, line of dialogue and sometime a prop. You have to incorporate all those elements in your short. You have 48 hours from the time you get this to write, shoot, edit and submit your final product.

If you have the time, please watch them and let me know what you think

#1- Chicken And Tofu For The Soul

Genre: Chick Flick
Prop: Chicken
Line of Dialogue: "No one send you a turd and expects to live."

image Click to view

Made for the Calgary Underground Film Festival. Screened in Calgary, AB.

#2- Tossers

Genre: Sports Movie
Line of Dialogue: You're Gonna hate Me For Saying This, But I Love Grape Jelly.

image Click to view

Made for the 48 hours Guerrilla Film Festival. Screened at the festival in Austin, TX. Nominated for Best Comedy and Best Use of The Line of Dialogue.

writing, personal

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