what i want to come true, will never be real...

Nov 04, 2004 07:53

halloween-->went to danni's, hung with her jess steve and brian, bri and steve we're girls. it was funny..after awhile of that i went to caits, we went out. kris got hit with an egg..so we just hung out the rest of that nite, since they didnt wanna go back out. i met up with wilson n bobby, then saw john brit skeebs cirm and a bunch of other ppl. then came home after awhile..

monday-->kyle and i went to arby's, then hung out. thats basically it lol

tuesday-->half day! lol jess brought me home, thanks jess =]..we went to danni's and orderd pizza with steve and joe..then i went and played some basketball at silversmith, which we havent done in 3 months practically, it was fun tho.

wed-->after school i went by the BB&B place again, with my working papers this time, they said they stoped hiring minors, but he said get the rest of the stuff filled out, and come back, and he'll bring me in for orientation thursday. awesome, i mite get that job. after that my dad brought me to gina's. we hung out for awhile with kristin and christian, played pool w/ gina's dad, that was fun, i love playing pool. me n gina lost, but its all good..after awhile of me watching every1 else play DDR since i cant play that game..we went to applebee's in brick..after that we went into barns n noble, then got picked up, then my dad came and got me from gina's..and i came home and feel asleep lol..thats its for this week so far..l8r.

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