werd. well, regardless of any 30 day imprisonment. your out in 3 months. so if you can put up with this little burden, your looking at just a 2 month remainder till you are your own caretaker. you also know that if you honestly cant take it, you have a number of safe places to go to. just dont let your parents take you down. sneak phonecalls in at night, computer time in when they arent watching, anything to keep your sanity. this is half the fun, trying to make the bet of things. btw if they take your sheet and blankets, it is illegal, so is imprisonment in your own room. if it gets bad, call child services.
WHAT?!?!? thats carazay!!! youre mom left the funniest messages on my phone... she was all like... I JUST WANNA KNOW THAT HES SAFE CAUSE HE DOES SILLY STUFF SOMETIMES...
man... im sorry. i love you... but in a way... the show was fucking worth it in a way... they only come once a year.. and itsa fucking MSI!!!!
Dude, your rents are complete fuckin asses. You should just beat off every day with no door, they'll give it back. We'll all be waiting for you when you are let out of jail. Tim
Comments 6
man... im sorry. i love you... but in a way... the show was fucking worth it in a way... they only come once a year.. and itsa fucking MSI!!!!
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