You can never really expect people to change...

Nov 20, 2005 22:05

even if you just want the old person back and even if you and them both know how much of a better person they could be. You move on, cause waiting gets you no where. It just crushes your spirits because you put your help out there and it gets thrown right back in your face. Boy do I miss the old days. Not to say I'm not enjoying parts of my days now. But you know what, its not just me many other people r going through shit like this now, and plus I find out things that apparently I "shouldn't tell them," but seriously in the long run its better.I dont know what to do. Why can't people change if they know they should?? Why do they insist on just hiding their bad habits from people because they r ashamed of them.
I'm sorry i hurt your feelings but jeez why do u think you feel so bad about it?? Maybe if deep down inside you didnt know it wasn't right,and u didnt know how much better of a person you could be, you wouldnt feel so bad about it. But wait your a badass i forgot. Lets all say I prayer that one day people like this-learn to grow up.

this entry doesn't make a whole lot a sense...but thats why its MY journal.

Peace <3
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