Points of Note

Apr 20, 2008 19:11

Haaa, I forgot that this was the same day I made the Drinky Crow cake. This is one of the recent ones that's actually readable.

-I got CS2 for my new computer and it flips major butt! There were complications with my scanner (I've had the thing since I was fifteen) but I smoothed those out by opening my wallet (again. sigh).

Maybe I'm a person technologically backlogged by a few years or so, but I'll say here: right now my computer's running iTunes, Firefox, Photoshop CS2, Firezilla, and VueScan, and the thing hasn't slowed down the tiniest bit. I am in awe that this is even possible. On my Inspiron I could run maybe Winamp and a half of Photoshop at the same time.

-I'm quitting the bakery job soon. I don't know when, but soon. I can't stand it for much longer. A few months ago I asked my boss to cut my hours down, so I could have more time to paint, and he did... for about a few weeks. And I get called in about every two weeks or so, and I feel I can't say no because I'm the only other decorator there, and the other one's a single mom with a whole slew of health problems. I'm just not mean enough to say "screw that!" And the holidays are ridiculous gunshots to the head. Over Easter weekend I worked twenty-nine hours in two days (and limping for the next three). Since I started working there my boss has asked me twice to work full time, when what I really want is even less hours on my schedule so I can actually PAINT and get a body of work together TO SELL MYSELF AS AN ILLUSTRATOR DAMMIT.

And some of the people I work with there? IDIOTS.

(*deep breath*) Okay. That was a rant for reals, I know.

The question: when? I don't know. I was hoping next month, but that's when my roommates and I are moving somewhere where the landlord isn't psychotic (once she rang the doorbell, and when I answered it, she told me that someone was coming over the next day to fix the doorbell), and I know some landlords like to know their tenants have an income that they can have a part of. Plus that's when I told my boss I was going, and if I don't leave then, that will be the second time I've pushed back my leaving date, and I really don't want to look like a pushover with these people.

-This thought has settled in my mind and won't leave or make room for any other option: my next job will be feelancing. Where the fuck did that come from (besides the fact that I was trained to be so)? Though I think I've saved up enough and made the right investments to be a hired gun.

I am not telling my mom about this untill the last minute, because she thinks being safe and secure is better than taking risks (which is why she raised me and my brothers in nowheresville, USA. just a little bitter about that.), and she'll manage to talk me out of it. (This is the same reason I didn't tell her I was going to NYC until I had come back.)

-I've had pretty new colors on my livejournal for a few weeks now. The background is the wallpaper design assigned to my design class. I emailed one of my favorite teachers last winter and asked him if I could just sit in. He replied with "We'll just think of you as an honored guest". Sometimes in that class I feel self conscious because he always points me out as an illustrator, and when I was in his Typography I class, I was the only non-design major there, and he would show my work to my classmates and say "look at this stuff! it's pretty good, and she's not even a designer!" I guess the tables have turned, because he's my favorite teacher from Montserrat, and he's not even an illustrator.

I like tangents. You figure that one out yet? Heh. Anyway. When people saw my wallpaper they all said it looked Asian. Seems I can't get away from my stuff looking Asian no matter how hard I try. It was, uh, definitely NOT what I was going for. It was based on the traditional door moldings in New England, in fact. What do you guys think?

-So the domain name is down. I don't know if I should maintain it. I always ALWAYS hated "Newman". I prefer "D'Arcangelo", and if you know why, then you REALLY have your alternative pop culture snug in the glove compartment!

-Thus, I have a webpage to rethink, a shit job to survive, a presentation on Rubylith to work on, and an Episode of Transformers: Animated to watch. I haven't been drawing much. Here's one from a few months ago:

-Read The Learners by Chip Kidd. I'm not the biggest fan of his book designs, but DAMN is that book good.
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