Murder-free in NYC

Apr 08, 2008 18:53

A tip for travelers: when checking into a hostel, make sure you're at the right hostel and not in the one down the hall from the one you're supposed to be in.

Luckily, every other part of my first hostel experience was just peachy.

Breakfast at Zip112 in Williamsburg. Most of the people staying here were from Korea, some were from Germany, one from Amsterdam, and me... from Boston.
Feels good to draw again. Imean, something other than the daily comic.

the view from zip112's porch. not too shabby. it was my favorite weather over the weekend. i spent one day in new york with a good friend, and then another day with another good friend!

humorous play on scale. little punches of color. this photo is post-worthy.

great wall art everywhere. look! drawing! imean real drawing! i'm jealous.

You know what? Dali was right:

and for the first time ever, I didn't get begged for money there. It was weird.
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