Footloose and Asbestos-free

Nov 29, 2006 12:55

After a long and arduous process, St Andrew's Pressie Church is finally "safe".

I have to say the hall would have been my meeting place of choice at this time of year considering the huge amount of heat emitted by the several stained glass windows in the church building, but, ce la vie.

Tom the gaget man is enjoying the acoustics and keeps asking everyone "how does the music sound? Is it balanced?"

Anyway, the second Sunday we spent in the church, as my readers would well know, we had to spend several extra minutes in our sticky school chairs and fill out a "Church Life Survey". I probably could have thought more about my answers if I wasn't so swelteringly hot and craving the chilled lime cordial and fresh fruit I knew was waiting for me afterwards.

One question did grab my attention. I knew it was coming but I still prickled at seeing it. The Money Question. I really don't know what this survey organisation hopes to gain from knowing how much each member gives. There just doesn't seem to be a reason. I don't know, I've just always thought of offering as an incredibly private thing and between you and God as to what your "10-fold" would be.


The Bird household is slowing gearing up for the jingly bells this year. Mum seems to be showing the most enthusiasm and so I've vowed to help her heaps on our "Christmas Day" (Saturday before Christmas... because we're non-conformists).

I've managed to buy gifts for my six family members, my boyfriend, my boyfriend's parents, sister and grandparents, my workmates and my friends.

And it's not even December.

I'm so super I need a sidekick.
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