Jul 07, 2005 14:51

Wow so this past week has been greatttt! I went up to my cottage in lexington with kayla kline!! It was soo much fun! So much funny shit happened..
Some of the highlights from the trip:
- Me ripping a hole in my ass the first 2 hours
- Kaylas bloody nose
- First bonfire of the trip with tony and steve (Hotties lol)
- Seeing Robert walk down a busy street with his pants at his ankles
- Me falling on the stairs "Walk much girlfriend"
- "My ass itches" "Well then itch it"
- Falling on my ass while trying to help matt up and just missing the fire
- WWJD lol
- Robert going into the IGA to buy tapons and milk for Kathy haha
- Our massive fire on the last night even thou we all got in deep shit it was sooo worth it..one of the best fires ever even thou kayla wasnt there =(
- "Can i borrow your penis for a minute"
- Burying Matt and Robert in a huge hole in the sand
- Swimming in the lake at night
- "Its all fun and games until you loose a limb"
- Staying up to 5am just chatting with Kayla
- The falangie at "Joes Crab Shack" i mean Crazy Joes lol
- Me coming very close to falling while walking into the cadilac house
- Kayla breaking the shower curtain and no knowing what to do
- "What are those things moving on the beach" "Theres like 100s of them" *All of us freak out* "Guys those are the white caps on the waves" haha
- Checkered pants lol
- Robert skinny dipping
- Stars at night are big and bright *clap clap clap clap* deep in the heart of texas
- Singing in the car and me driving lol
- Fireworks

oh and sooo many moreee
Most of you wont get ne of this cuz its had to be there but it was hilarous
Robert Deloof is the funnest kid ive ever met!
And all i have to say is i <3 Kayla Ronnie Victor Matt Sam Robert Jon and Tommy..Good times guys =)

Victor Ronnie Tommy Robert and Matt
they made the trip


Ronnie Robert and Kayla

Robert buried in the sand lol

Our massive fire on the last night.."Why did we make it so big?" lol

Victor in some sexy specks

Tommy aka Checkered Pants

Robert lol

Ronnie being sweet

and finally Sam being cool lol
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