(no subject)

Mar 23, 2006 16:26

Oh man, six weeks of the semester left. Then it's on to summer classes. Hooray.

Had a nice, long, boring spring break. I worked and rearranged our entire apartment. Tim seemed to have a good time in Colorado. I'm still kicking myself for being so gosh darn indecisive and missing the opportunity to go. Well, he said that we'll go on a vacation after finals are over before summer classes start, so I'll get to enjoy altitude sickness yet before I die.

First collegiate bike race this weekend, in Kansas. I wasn't going to go at first, then I realized a few things, which I will now list in bullet form.
- I stayed home all spring break. Why on earth do I need another weekend to myself?
- The road race is only 25 miles. I can do 25 miles.
- I'm NOT leaving Tim to fend for himself against all of the other hot cycling chicks going.
- I need to exercise, and a race is a perfect excuse for a workout.
- It's time for me to try to be social again.

So I'm going. And I really hope I can convince myself to have a good time. I have been feeling so depressed lately, I have convinced myself that I am horrible company, and I should stay away from people. But that's not going to help. So I just need to bite the bullet and jump in and be me. It's a horribly crippling fear of being rejected that's holding me back, and it's completely not true. I don't need these people to like me. It would make life easier if they did, but it's not needed.

So I've got issues. I must be emo.
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