oy vey

Oct 27, 2004 22:55

havent updated in awhile...thank you david...... this week has been royaly screwed up well the past two weeks really.  we presented our scitech project on wed which i did a hell of a lot of on monday and tuesday then after we presented everything else went completely down hill and screwed up the rest of my week. nam took credit for the work i did and hes an ass so to completely understate the situation i flipped out and got really pissed.  then after i finished the rest of it and we turned in our FDR things looked better i thought my weekend would make everything turn around...how wrong i was. seeing Felicia was most definately the high point i love that girl and now tawny knows why any boob coments or harassments (male to female, male to male, female to male,  female to female) are in no way embarassing and are usually quite comical to me hehe and tawn met the rest of m aausy jews fun stuff it was! then we went to homecoming.....parts were awesome and parts sucked ass.....it was not at all the lovely awesome time i was expecting and needless to say it was quite socially exausting and really awkward with some people on monday. other then that school has been a pain in the ass but i dont think that ever changes  i still have like 20 pages in the odyssey and i jsut want to shoot multiple holes through it with a rifle but only one more day and im done done done done done done
 my life is really weird with boys right now....no public comments with that... 
p.s. the only thing that is keeping me sane is fall kallah in like 15 days i cant wait! ya!  but i have to restrain myself from that .... gotta remeber that
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