Nov 19, 2006 02:48
There is a big part of my life right now that I feel no one really knows about. I guess it's not really that big come to think of it, but it's certainly different from my daily activities. Every week, for 3 hours, I work with kids. I really didn't realize how little I see kids or interact with them until I was asked, " how often do you communicate with children?". So anyways, on Monday's I see my reading buddy Sara who is a fun yet minpulative girl in grade one; being her buddy is for my Worlds of Childhood class. On Tuesdays I go to a place located on Jane and Finch (yup. you heard.) that runs an afterschool homework program for kids aged anywhere from 4-14. So, me, lil Em Taylor, goes into this building, which is really a house, and gets surrounded by little black kids. Honestly, I'm not sure yet what i'll take from this experience, but it's pretty cool. I want to take a picture of me with these kids because they're freaking sweet. I know forsure that I'm learning more from them than they are me. Have you ever wondered why children always act as if they want to be adults, usually assigning roles to one another as the "mother" or "father" or the "waitress", while adults usually fantisize about being children again. It's funny how kids can make the most boring things in adult life look wicked sweet... like driving, getting the mail, making dinner, ect@#!. Maybe that whole senario is just an example of, " everyone wants what they can't have". Kids want power, and adults want freedom. Or so this is what I think. Anyways... my worlds of childhood class is getting to me way too much, clearly.
Sometimes I wonder hard about being a social worker. I wish I was 100% certain, absolutely sure, that I wanted to be a social worker. But I can't garuntee myself of that just yet. I feel like I'm just holding my breath and hoping it's all gonna work out... and that's the complete truth. I know I want to do this now, but what about 10 years? 4? I duno, it's really hard to know forsure what you want.
anyways, hey LJ, whats up?
yea I know!
it's been a while that's forsure! how u been?
mmMmmM I'm great too thanks!
maybe we should hook up? have some chicken... .. .. maybe some sex?
Peace, !#$