Nov 25, 2006 04:34
mmmmhmmmm well... I don't have exams comming up unlike my fellow university friends so i can't comaplain about that... highschool life ia easy peasy so again no complaining I worked everyday this week but thursday night... i have to get up and be at work for 7:30 tomarrow morning till 2:30 then from 8am till 4pm sunday for PCN's while we are open and ppl are shopping beside me uhg its going to be hell.....any who, I like all the hours i get i am making a fair amount of money ya know in between $300-$400 a pay day ... like today was pay day i only have $323 this pay but next pay will be a lil under $400, soooo yeah money comes in handy i must say... so i have allready began to buy christmas gifts I bought mother dearest a refridgerator that she will not be getting till christmas ha ha... and yeah i am buying alot of stuff from sears cuz of the fact me and my family members get 15% off for discounts, so i also helped angel buy a dishwasher lol...sooo yeah i still have a CRAP load of christmas shopping to do but i know what i am getting most ppl so it's all good lol...oh yeah lil myles man who now calls everyone BOBO ha ha he for christmas got a pony and a puppy!!!! lol he got my puppy and she is cute her name is Tailer and she is like 6 weeks old i think. mmmmmmmhmmmmm yea soooo i dunno what else to talk about.... there really isn't much else to say... I got my hair cut like 2 weeks ago and i am blond again.. i am torn between guys... well not so much any more but blah guys are evil!....any who i am going to head to bed now since i have to get up early i shall tty ppl later c-ya