holy god i guess its been awhile

Jul 05, 2006 23:30

but guess what i have pretty much nothing to write about b-cuz my summer has just plain sucked so far, i have done absalustly nothing of significance, All i do is babysitt and sleep and go shopping w/ my mother the odd time. So yeah Summer like a said is sucking, and it better get better or i am just going to become a damn hermit, But atleast kathleenie is making time for me, Even with her 2 jobs she still manages to find time for her Emmy I lobes my kathleenie =)!!<3....We are going to try and get together atleast once a week so Emmy doesn't go crazy. Oh yeah and it is Angels B-day tomarrow She is the big 3-0 !!! Oh yeah i didn't do anything Canada day cuz i had to babysitt, but i could have done sumthing if i really wanted to , my mom could have covered for me, but there was no body to do anything w/, Same as i didn't go to the concert for the same reason, instead i babysatt. As i will be doing almost everyday if not everyday, but my nights are free and you know what i spend them doing NOTHING, NADDA EFFIN THING!!!!! But yeah I will or suppose to be going to Truro July 20 to 23,.....sum truck or tractor pull thing Dustin is taking me to... woot woot... Blah i am getting to Dislike everybody these days, I am getting bitter and bitchy and loosing all patience w/ every one and everything, this isn't good, but what can i do?....I am going to start walking everyday now and possibly a lil more excercising as well cuz i have gained a bit of wieght...but yeah i don't really car except i don't want to look like a totall cow in a bathing suit, maybe justa baby cow ya know. So yeah i can't stay up to long cuz Mike is picking me up at 9 in the morning so i can go over and babysitt Myles for the day and night. Yup that is my life babysit and sleep, Oh and i bought The Second Book to the Sister hood of the traveling pants at Indigo with the gift certificate that maggie gave me , but i finished it so i went and bought the 3rd one to i am almost done of that one to...It helps to pass the time but... after this book i am going to have to find another series to read. But any who i am going to stop writing this is just to sad my worst journal entry by far....
sorry for any one who reads this
but that was your choice
so what ever
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