Aug 02, 2009 09:20
Apparently, Ryan got married last night. Or did he?
He's enough of a sarcastic dickhead to do this just to jerk people around or as some kind of elaborate joke.
But he's also enough of a failboat to actually get married at disney world.
Now, about the rings.
Ryan's not wearing one in the pic where he's holding Zee, and in the one where he's putting it on her, her face is kind of... funny? for a girl getting married?
But kinda makes me feel weird that Zee Berg(-Ross?) is the girl who had lines of coke all nice and cut at her house then leaked them online. She's also the girl he was out with when he had that white powder all over his face.
anyways. We'll have to see.
EDIT: I guess Jon didn't know!?
iamjonwalker: What happened to @thisisryanross last night?
So... Ryan and his hipster friends had a disney wedding and he didn't tell JON!? this is either a joke or a drunken mistake then.
ryan ross,
when i say shotgun you say...,
the ryan&jon project