So, I've written the first and last section of Epic Sexpollen GSF, buuuuuut
I have a new idea now!! *whines* I CAN'T WRITE THIS MUCH FIC! I'VE STILL GOT TO DO VICFIC TOO!!I'm outlining it here anyway.
this was the original inspiration and it kind of blew up in my head
So, Ryan/Jon tracing there history. When they met, how Jon taught Ryan to see life differently, how the cabin affected their friendship, how it evolved over the coarse of the HCT/Rockband Tour, how their friendship is now.
It would involve lots of weed, lots of angst, lots of Ryan reveling secrets and caring!Jon, lots music writing, lots of bonfires and lots of camwhoring. The story that's writing itself in my head doesn't even really give them a relationship per say. No sex, no kissing. Just... them, existing together in this dynamtic that makes me squeak.
Someone write this for me, or plot with me so I can't NOT write it. O.o